admin said:
As I am a total Valve addict I couldn't help mysself to listento some class D amps too

And the one that really seems to satisfy me was pre/power combi of Bel Canto. Until now no others have convinced me to purchase a class D amp. I am curious what your experiences are!
This is a fairly old thread but I thought it was worth updating because things have moved on.
Firstly, I agree that Bel Canto can sound excellent in the right set up.
HISTORY 1: Having tried many amps over the years I settled on valve amps as they sound significantly better that every Class B or AB or D anp I heard. I settled into a period of beutiful music, unforced natural detail, voices that sounded real etc BUT I had to buy new valves periodically, I had to re-bias the amps, I had to put up with all that heat. Worse of all, valve amps don't sound right until they are thoroughly warmed up, so if you want to listen for a short period, you are not hearing them at their best. Oh, and bass control is not very good, unless you have monster amps.
HISTORY2: I went back to Class AB. A Bryston B2, a Parasound and then a Bryston 4BSST. All excellent. better in some respects but I really missed the 'valve sound'. Then digital amps started improving.
I heard the Nuforce ref 9 and was drawn in by the music, rather than the amp. Similarly, the Red Dragon, the D-Sonic and the Wyred4Sound. Wow, they were ALMOST as good as my big Bryston and some of them were dead cheap.
When the Hypex NC500 module came out it was quite rightly getting rave reviews. I first heard it in an Atsah500 driving huge Eminent Technology speakers and it sounded as good as any hifi I have ever heard. Not by making impressive noises but by sounding like real musicians sitting in the same room as me - just like a valve amp can. Then Nord made some mono-blocks with replaceable op-amps and suddenly you could 'tune' the sound to suit your equipment - just like changing valves. I tried three different op-amps and ended up with a relatively cheap amplifier set up which trounces my big, expensive Bryston 4BSST and gives me a sound pretty close to my beloved valves but with none of the disadvantages.
Apollon now offer something similar to Nord but I have not heard them.
If money and space were no object, I would go back to having huge valve amps. I am not poor but the downside to running such amps is simply not worth it for me. If you have £8,000 worth of fabulous valve amps, you can't just turn them on to listen to a few tracks - they simply won't sound right cold. You can't leave them on all the time because of the heat and the waste of electricity and the waste of valve life. I have therefore compromised on a pair of Nord 500UP monoblocks with Sparkos op-amps driving PMC OB1i transmission line speakers and I am HAPPY.