As I said above, material costs are a surprisingly small part of the cost of any manufactured item.
Mostly you are paying for the need of everyone involved in their production, transport sales and marketing etc to make a living.
It is how the economy works.
I have had a look around the web, Q Acoustcs have an excellent reputation with most people commenting positively on the quality of the product, their performance etc. I could find no negative comment on the 2020i whatsoever.
Soundwise, the concensus is that they are remarkable refined for their price, low distortion, very neutral and well balanced. The price you pay is a reletively low sensitivity device that will not go particular loud, though loud enough for many users.
In direct comparisons to the MAs, they show the them, the MAs, to be 'hyped', (boosted bass and treble), not particularly neutral and a bit unruly.
Fine on some kinds of music, less so on others. You pay your money..........