TomSawyer said:
The truth is clear, known, and demonstrable. Whether people chose to believe it, is of course a matter for them.
Andy, I agree, subject of course to the the physics disclaimer. "Ye cannae change the laws of physics" being entirely wrong. What Scotty should have said is "Based on our current, and yet to be disproven understanding, that won't work" - never really going to be much of a catch phrase. As an engineer, I'm firmly in the science camp on this (hence my inexpensive cables). But I'm also human.
And here's where it get interesting because music reproduction, like photography is producing something through technology that invokes an emotional reaction. As scientists and engineers it's easy to consider the sound wave as the end result but surely the emotional reaction, deep within the brain is the end result - not the sound wave itself.
Now, if someone buys a new cable and in doing so hears an improvement, and by hear I don't mean their ear drum vibrates differently, I mean that within their brain they hear an improvement, regardless of which emotional processes contribute to said improvement, then is that any really less valid than any other?