Come on BB, I love you guys.![]()
gel said:
gel said:
strapped for cash said:Please, no more aggro, it's making me want a cigarette (six days without tobacco and counting)...
bigboss said:
gel said:bigboss said:
Guys I am trying to get some sleep.Love you too!![]()
strapped for cash said:I think Gel's gone to bed, which you should never do on an argument. You'll have to postpone the hug-in until tomorrow.
Gel, come back, all is forgiven!
bigboss said:BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:gel said:
Come on BB, I love you guys.![]()
I love you guys too!! :rofl:
Come on gel!
strapped for cash said:Please, no more aggro, it's making me want a cigarette (six days without tobacco and counting)...
BenLaw said:strapped for cash said:Please, no more aggro, it's making me want a cigarette (six days without tobacco and counting)...
Yikes, good luck with that. You seem to be doing well so far. How many a day are you coming from?
ellisdj said:The info I posted was from the HD TV Test website where the reviews are very in depth and accurate to my limited experience
The 65 was the flagship vt of last year and the first panel from Panasonic to hit near the Kuro black level that's what that part of the review basically says in THX cinema mode only.
so the black level is better on their 65inch over all other models - again contrary to gels comment.
I think the lack in brightness/ luminance white outputmight be to do with power consumption - international law and opinion has gone more green since 2008 - thanks to Arny in LA lol. Lower brightness lower power consumption.
the ZT does look good in the vids - fingers crossed it is as I would love to upgrade to 60" - needs to be a lot better to get my cash though as I have no real complaint in the 5090 performance. Most av kit you live with its flaws - you all know what I mean there. My tv has been perfect no manufacture flaws since day 1 fingers crossed.
I have also found the better my blu ray players have got - the better the blu ray material has got and the better my electronics have got I.e out with my pioneer receiver and in with the meridian kit the better my Kuro has looked. Even to the point of a HDMI cable change has made a difference in certain areas - movement, shadow detail. The pioneer receiver was hampering the TV picture quality - not by a lot by it still was compared to the Meridian.
i can see the ZT image looks more lush and glossy in the still images and demo material- the Kuro used to look like that compared to older pannys - it's the first model out to get me interested - they know that as well hence the side by side demo
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:BenLaw said:strapped for cash said:Please, no more aggro, it's making me want a cigarette (six days without tobacco and counting)...
Yikes, good luck with that. You seem to be doing well so far. How many a day are you coming from?
No reply yet? Must've nipped out for a ***.![]()
BenLaw said:How many a day are you coming from?
gel said:ellisdj said:Just found this on the review of the 65VT50 - quite interesting and in complete stark opposite contrast to what Gel said earlier in the thread
The Panasonic TX-P65VT50′s best contrast performance is reserved for the [THX Cinema] mode. This mode achieves startlingly deep black levels which measure at an incredibly deep 0.005 cd/m2, combined with whites that reach around 90 cd/m2 (we say “around” because it depends on the average picture level of the content). The only flat-screen HDTVs to better these results are the last KURO plasma televisions produced before Pioneer exited the TV business (not surprisingly, most owners of those displays are unwilling to part with them). Our review of the Pioneer PDP-LX5090 back in 2008 found black levels of 0.003 cd/m2, making the Panasonic TX-P65VT50′s 0.005 cd/m2 a very close match (it will be impossible to see the difference of 0.002 cd/m2 without scrutinising both screens, side by side, in a pitch black room). It’s taken a while for Panasonic to (more or less) match the absolute black depth of Pioneer’s long-gone displays, but they’ve achieved it at the 65″ size – in one of the picture modes. The overall contrast performance is still not as high, though, because the KURO plasmas could produce searingly bright whites as well.
In the [Professional] modes, which do unlock the full range of calibration options, contrast performance takes a hit. Black rises to 0.016 cd/m2, which is still excellent, but is no longer in KURO territory. More worryingly, peak light output is significantly dimmed, with a full 100% white window measuring just 65 cd/m2 after calibration (down from an already dim-ish 70 cd/m2 before
Where did you find this rubbish? And I said nothing of the performance of the VT50 65 inch get your facts straight before going throwing the odds!
Everybody knows a smaller screen will give a better black reading, so it is complete rubbish! But hey most people posting on this thread have talked nothing but rubbish!