Panasonic ZT60 (now ZT65)

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Hi SoSJ, no decision made as yet about the kuro, but rest assured I will absolutely be getting the ZT calibrated once its run in - would seem criminal not too! If anyone knows any reputable calibration firms that operate in or around Surrey then recommendations would be gratefully received?
Son_of_SJ said:
all the best What HiFi home cinema forumites have more than one telly


You're hardly ingratiating yourself with us single TV owners!

On a more serious note, there are reports that Panasonics drift quite a bit early on, so new owners might want to wait longer than advised before calibrating; perhaps even 500 hours.

That's obviously not a concern for Ellis DJ, who has his own meter and Calman, since he can check his results periodically. However, if you're paying a professional, it perhaps pays to be patient.
strapped for cash said:
Son_of_SJ said:
all the best What HiFi home cinema forumites have more than one telly


You're hardly ingratiating yourself with us single TV owners!

On a more serious note, there are reports that Panasonics drift quite a bit early on, so new owners might want to wait longer than advised before calibrating; perhaps even 500 hours.

That's obviously not a concern for Ellis DJ, who has his own meter and Calman, since he can check his results periodically. However, if you're paying a professional, it perhaps pays to be patient.

I have more than one telly.
strapped for cash said:
gel said:
I have more than one telly.

You're alright in Son_of_SJ's books, while I'm the scum of the forum! :grin:

Did you buy another TV recently?

No, not yet. I still have the Sony 46hx803 TV and I bought the Sony 40lx903 from Marks and Spencer for £550. So I have three TVs in total at present!
I would like the GT60 too.
gel said:
strapped for cash said:
gel said:
I have more than one telly.

You're alright in Son_of_SJ's books, while I'm the scum of the forum! :grin:

Did you buy another TV recently?

No, not yet. I still have the Sony 46hx803 TV and I bought the Sony 40lx903 from Marks and Spencer for £550. So I have three TVs in total at present!
I would like the GT60 too.

I only have one Blu-ray player though.
Well I have two Blu-ray players and one TV (if you count the PS3 as a BDP).

If you bought the GT60, would you replace one of your current TVs, or take your total to four?
strapped for cash said:
Well I have two Blu-ray players and one TV (if you count the PS3 as a BDP).

If you bought the GT60, would you replace one of your current TVs, or take your total to four?

Possibly the Sony 46hx803 it would replace. One slight problem is that it is on a Sky link, and I don't think a plasma of this size would perform to well on it! The Pioneer 5090 did not enjoy it too much!
strapped for cash said:
Well I have two Blu-ray players and one TV (if you count the PS3 as a BDP).

If you bought the GT60, would you replace one of your current TVs, or take your total to four?

I have two TVs and two blu ray players. Do I win for balance?
BenLaw said:
I have two TVs and two blu ray players. Do I win for balance?

You've certainly scored the most sensible points. I don't know if that counts as a win. I'd give the decision to Son_of_SJ, to my knowledge the only forum member to relegate a ninth generation Kuro to a second bedroom.
ellisdj said:
Thats great news for you!!

My 65VT65 was supposed be here yesterday - but for a **** up

Now coming tomorrow - exciting times - I will be posting my views on it as soon as I have some to air

Hello elllisdj

Today I started a quiet thread specifically about the Panasonic 65VT65. Could you maybe post your thoughts on your wonderful new telly in that thread. I'm very envious, by the way!
strapped for cash said:
Son_of_SJ said:
all the best What HiFi home cinema forumites have more than one telly


You're hardly ingratiating yourself with us single TV owners!

strapped for cash said:
gel said:
I have more than one telly.

You're alright in Son_of_SJ's books, while I'm the scum of the forum! :grin:

Did you buy another TV recently?

Ah, strappped for cash, the thing is that your single Panasonic 50VT65 is more modern and more highly specified and is more highly rated than all my tellies combined! :grin: So you are certainly not the scum of the forum! And frankly, anyone who is insensitive enough to relegate a ninth generation Kuro to the second bedroom should be forced to listen to an old transistor radio for the rest of his life!
strapped for cash said:
BenLaw said:
I have two TVs and two blu ray players. Do I win for balance?

You've certainly scored the most sensible points. I don't know if that counts as a win. I'd give the decision to Son_of_SJ, to my knowledge the only forum member to relegate a ninth generation Kuro to a second bedroom.

Although I believe it is only temporarily in the second bedroom and is due for promotion at some point in the future.
Can i ask Mr M and Strapped why you chose to buy a plasma now considering OLED is just 'round the corner?

Not having a pop as i know how good the panasonics are 🙂
Thanks for responding BB,so when would you anticipate OLED to be the mainstream reference sets?

I'm not planning on changing my 2yr oled plasma for a good 5yrs 😉
GSB said:
Thanks for responding BB,so when would you anticipate OLED to be the mainstream reference sets?

I'm not planning on changing my 2yr oled plasma for a good 5yrs 😉

Already dreaming of OLED, eh? 🙂

You shoud be ok with your timeframe. I would expect OLED to become mainstream in the next 3-4 years. I usually prefer buying 2nd or 3rd generation sets of a new technology, to allow the manufacturers to iron out any problems that crop up in the first generation.
BenLaw said:
Although I believe it is only temporarily in the second bedroom and is due for promotion at some point in the future.

You are correct Sir, the Pioneer LX5090 will be promoted to my own bedroom as soon as I get enough money to buy a Panasonic 65VT65.
You do know to get the full benefit of Ultra HD you have so sit about 3 feet away from about an 85" screen.

Thats a hard fact - not saying it wont be better, as ultimately screen sizes will get bigger and you will be able to sit closer to them, but that is still a reality.

Its 8 feet for full benefit of a 65" screen for 1080p. Thats probs closer than most would want to sit from a 65" - not me 🙂

I bought the Marantz thinking I was getting a ZT - only the best source is good enough for these top end displays, I think having the 65VT will show the 7007 off to its maximum and I think will show up lesser players.... My 5090 did

Still waiting for it to get here - Torture!
mr malarky said:
rocketrazor said:
I still have a CRT in the spare room, can I count that 🙂

That's not a TV, that's an artefact - you should be offering that to the science museum! 🙂

Yes, rocketrazor, you can still count your CRT in the spare room. I have two retired CRTs, one monochrome, that I can't quite bring myself to throw out yet.

And you, mr malarky, don't you dare diss CRTs and call them artefacts!! I'll show you an artefact, grrr!. This was actually taken in the museum, and is by the founder of television, John Logie Baird himself, before Pioneer, Pansonic and Samsung were even thought of. Now this is a big television!



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