Almost all studio professionals (with exception of those on the sponsored take) consider audiophile = moron, purely because they buy overpriced cables expecting improvements in sound quality in domestic music reproduction. Studio professionals like collecting records, valve amps, old R2R decks etc. They sell pricey microphone and guitar cables and they know they make a difference for creating music, but not for transfering processed signal component to component. They will never say someone is an idiot for liking analogue sound reproduction. But if you are an audiophile, that means you buy 1000 quid power cords, and that necessarily translates as you are an imbecil to a studio professional.
I personally have had plenty of fun moments with pro gear shop employees and studio producers/engineers making jokes about audiophiles, not admiting I am one (although not a cable nut). Overpriced cables are audiophile's reason d'etre in the pro's mind. Those more informed will add few extra jabs about cable elevators, special crystals and resonators, but rarely if at all a pro will comment on overpriced speakers, turntables or valves, considering they used to own overpriced speakers, TTs and valve amps in their line of work before SS and digital came to existance. Vintage audio collectors are deemed collector of cool old gear, not audiophiles.
I personally do not think cable believers are idiots or morons. These are smart and successfull people in their line of work (how else would they afford pricey hi-fi), which happens to be not related to electronics and this makes them vulnurable to audiophile snake oil. However, in my interaction with studio and shop pros, there are no compliments or balanced response for the term audiophile. It's always spiced with pejorative attributes and chuckling. The main reason why I removed 'Audiophile' from my CV hobby category is the widespread stereotype for all audiophiles being gullible idiots with more money than sense, especially regarding cables.