drummerman said:
I don't think many would say cables make a 'significant' difference.
apart from all those people who say it made a night and day difference of course
drummerman said:
However, they make enough difference for many to warrant an outlay comensurate to the worth of their systems.
Enough *percieved* difference, not just enough. (see the entire threads about if you want to make sure a cable is actually making a difference then blind testing blah blah etc)
drummerman said:
Just because some studios use VanDamned and similar cheap stuff doesn't mean others don't see the point in investing in better ones, some examples of which have been mentioned earlier in this glorious thread of mine 🙂
It depends on if they purchased the cables themselves, or the cable manufacturers paid to have them installed in order to use them for advertising. This makes a big difference.
drummerman said:
Furthermore, as I have said before, many studios nowadays just seem to be factories churning out compressed one day wonder stuff as quickly as they can
sorry, that's wrong. There's actually not that many studios that do that. Studios can be so different that you can't just say that. Think about all the different stuff that gets recorded in studios.
drummerman said:
They probably have absolutely no audiophile pretentions whatsoever.
no, because most studio engineers would laugh at the term audiophile, as already said. They really couldn't care less about the person that spends thousands on a power cable. Why should they, it's such a small minority of people, and the irony being, those people are the ones trying to create what the engineer is hearing, yet refuse to listen to what that person says about how they can achieve that.
There's this incredibly odd arrogance and hubris Audiphiles seem to have in that no matter what is established, what science is written, what people have been doing for however many years, whatever experiments have been carried out that somehow, the audiophiles suddenly seem to know better. You only have to look at what's currently happening with the whole digital side of things to see that. Suddenly, somebody who listens to a bit of Vivaldi in his armchair seems to think he knows more then the entire computer industry does on what makes a computer work.
drummerman said:
I do agree with Gazzip on the question why Studio's even come into this conversation
why wouldn't it. Audiophiles wouldn't have much to do without the studios would they? Unless they get off on listening to test tones.
drummerman said:
I think the 10% rule on cables and accessories is a good one.
I don't. No point in spending 10% for say a HDMI cable is there?
drummerman said:
By any means, spend more if you feel you have to or less if you get away with it but don't neglect that final small contributor to your systems sound.
And just to confuse you, I agree with this bit
🙂 😀