radiorog said:
Trev, I believe your position is actually a faith based one. Faith in your own understanding. There may be some science available to humanity ATM re cables, but it is obviously not complete or exhaustive. Throughout history many scientific understandings have eventually been either updated, or even proven wrong. It happens all the time. Any good scientist knows this. Now I don't know the exact details, but Einstein knew that on some of his theories and mathematics, even though they heralded a new dawn in understanding, that they weren't 100% accurate, and that something wasis missing. No matter what he did, for some of his most important theories, the equations never added up completely. Sure, they worked 99.9999% of the time, but not 100%, and when you looked at the finer details...
Einstein's theory's of relativity doesn't work 99.9999% of the time. It works 100% of the time.
Einstein's theory's of relativity could well be 100% correct and so far there has never been any experiment or test which disproves it. But the problem is that mathematically it contradicts quantum theory and there is no way that they can possibly both be right.
It is not known whether Einstein's theory's of relativity or quantum theory are correct or not. What we do know is that either Einstein's theory's of relativity or the laws of quantum physics must be wrong. We don't know which is wrong because they both stand up to all of the tests that we have put them through (so far). But we do know that at least one of them (or both of them) has to be wrong.
radiorog said:
...I believe this is where things like string theory and such comes into it, and is leading the hunt for the higgs particle, and understanding. When this tiny thing is found and understood one day, our understanding of all physics and chemistry could be turned on its head...
They've already found it. 2 years ago.
It's going to take a lot more work, time and probably another multi-billion pound particle collider to fully understand how it works though.
radiorog said:
...And so it is with cables. You say the science is there, I say the science is innadquate...
The laws that describe how resistance, capacitance and inductance work are fairly simple and are very well understood. They're used everyday to make electronics work and they work 100% perfectly according to those laws every single time.
radiorog said:
...I know what I heard. The cable I was upgrading to cost twice as much, so by the placebo ruling, it can only therefore sound better or equal to the previous cable. It actually sounded worse. Noticeably. It was like one cable was bob Marley, and the other bob Dylan. Sure, they were both called bob, played guitar and sang, but they sounded different...
That's not how expectation bias works. You knew that you were using a different cable so you may have imagined there was difference. Just because you thought that it sounded worse is neither here nor there.
It is possible that there was a difference but if there was this would be due to the measurable differences caused by using a cable that was inadequate for the purpose due to having an excessively high resistance, capacitance or inductance. Standard OFC speaker cables have sufficiently low resistance, capacitance and inductance that they don't degrade the signal enough to make it sound any different. Standard OFC speaker cables don't alter the sound at all. If an expensive foo cable sounds different to a standard OFC speaker cable it means that the signal has been degraded by the foo cable sufficienty to make it sound different.
radiorog said:
However, I do agree that some kind of measurents and standardising for cables should be available.
There already is. They're called resistance, capacitance and inductance.