I am not an accuracy fetishist, and am thrilled by the music i enjoy now all over my flat, including by the ADMs above my work station. The system is just fine. The living room combo is more fun indeed (CA 840A and 840C + Sonos through 840C DAC + Clearaudio Emotion + Dynaudio X32), just because, well, it is more fun (nice user interface, nicely finished objects, nice remote, great oooomph in bass heavy music - but NOT boomy). The ADMs give me excellent hi-fi in the small den for (relatively) little cost and very little volume, so am an extatic camper.
Having said that, when the musician (and his team of producers, agents and other stakeholders) records the music, I am quite sure the process is managed with at least some assumptions regarding the audio equipment used by the audiences that are supposed to purchase the recording. Surely we do not record music with same criteria in 2009 as in 1956. Surely at least some recordings are done with the MP3 users in mind. And others are done with mainstream "hi fi" users in mind. The "artist" and his team know that what will be heard by the end users will be substantially different from what is heard from the studio earphones/monitors, and tweak accordingly. The whole effort will be tweaked as well if there is to be a SACD or 24 bit high res outlet for the production...
The whole remastering trend is linked to that as well: make the old music sound better on the equipment most of the targeted listeners will be using in 2009.
All this comforts me in the mindset that "ultimate accuracy" is not my Graal. But listening to the music I love in best possible conditions (tone, volume, dynamics, comfort of use, depth of soundstage, etc) certainly is my Graal.