Two full UK reviews of the Panasonic TX-P65VT65B plasma

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ellisdj said:
I just looked to take a few buts its way too light - this cal is no good in a light room, it needs far more contrast

I will take some later for you

Hi Gel

A few pics mate - these really havent come out well at all, I used a different setting on the camera which is no good for these shots, its bleached out all the colour which is weird. I do need to calibrate again so this is not exactly how I want it atm

I will take some more another day after a better cal with the setting I used before
ellisdj said:
Hi Gel

A few pics mate - these really havent come out well at all, I used a different setting on the camera which is no good for these shots, its bleached out all the colour which is weird. I do need to calibrate again so this is not exactly how I want it atm

I will take some more another day after a better cal with the setting I used before

Ah cheers mate - much appreciated. I like the James Bond one and the Tranformers one, and the all black one. You really get a sense of the size of the TV. Excellent - cheers. :cheers: I will check them out again on my laptop later.
dam that thing looks sexy!!!

wish i had the extra money to get that....

I'm gonna get the TX-P50GT60B. Not in the same league but not too shabby hopefully

my kids have officially ruined my current Pana plasma so they arent touching this one!!
ellisdj said:
do I ignore the main white balance and just adjust the 10 point, or do as I did last night and use the main white balance and then tweak with the 10 point to improve greyscale.

Hello mate,

As I'm sure you know, most calibrators left 2 point options alone and only adjusted the 10 point controls.

Maybe give this a try and compare with the results you got starting with 2 point adjustments.
Garth Man said:
dam that thing looks sexy!!!

wish i had the extra money to get that....

I'm gonna get the TX-P50GT60B. Not in the same league but not too shabby hopefully

my kids have officially ruined my current Pana plasma so they arent touching this one!!

The GT60 is suppose to be seriously good mate.
I have calibrated again using 2.2 gamma the same as my old Kuro - its a much easier cal and I have got my head round the system more now.

Its still tricky getting a perfectly flat gamma - I have seen other user reports where it is perfectly flat - but I think they havent run a full grey scale test and only adjusted to get it flat - thats easy - when you run the full test it changes...... However this is now a very good cal at 2.2 until it drifts

Here are a couple more shots taken after this cal - these shots are murdering this screen - the image quality is very simialar to my 5090 but on a much grander scale and it is resolved more and it is better, but there is not a country mile between the 2 at all. I am still really happy I bought this tele.

I am struggling to still get perfect shots of this screen, It was much easier on my Pioneer - maybe its becuase I am too lazy to stand up ... lol

Just on another note the UD7007 is a very special blu ray player
ellisdj said:
I have calibrated again using 2.2 gamma the same as my old Kuro - its a much easier cal and I have got my head round the system more now.

Its still tricky getting a perfectly flat gamma - I have seen other user reports where it is perfectly flat - but I think they havent run a full grey scale test and only adjusted to get it flat - thats easy - when you run the full test it changes...... However this is now a very good cal at 2.2 until it drifts

Here are a couple more shots taken after this cal - these shots are murdering this screen - the image quality is very simialar to my 5090 but on a much grander scale and it is resolved more and it is better, but there is not a country mile between the 2 at all. I am still really happy I bought this tele.

I am struggling to still get perfect shots of this screen, It was much easier on my Pioneer - maybe its becuase I am too lazy to stand up ... lol

Just on another note the UD7007 is a very special blu ray player

Wow, excellent images - cheers. :clap: Yep, the Marantz is looking good too.
Those Images are doing a huge injustice to what you actually see - very good TV and Blu Ray Player - and dont forget the 2 Chord Active (Blue Plug) HDMI's as well .......

Looking at them though they could almost be photos of the real thing - thats a good sign my calibration is correct 🙂
Hi EllisDJ,

Out of interest, what does the Marantz give you that less expensive BDPs don't? Are we talking about DVD upscaling here, analogue audio performance, something else, or a combination of advantages?

strapped for cash said:
Hi EllisDJ,

Out of interest, what does the Marantz give you that less expensive BDPs don't? Are we talking about DVD upscaling here, analogue audio performance, something else, or a combination of advantages?


Strapped Mate -It has no analogue outs, I havent tried any dvd's.

Its a simple as it puts out an amazing Blu Ray Performance - image which is crisp and consistent with miminal image / movements issues.

There are some movement issues within the content for sure.

Other blu Ray Players I have seen / owned dont maintain the image and blur. Some might turn on 24fps smoother to compensate - that is a mistake as it ruins the film look and looks too much like real life I know that may seem odd. Other Players I have seenb and owned seem to skip frames by comparison

The sound is perfect - I have the player feeding PCM not bitstream but I would still hazard a guess that feeding an amp Bistream it would still sound better than most other players.

Read the WHF Review, they are ban gon the money - if you believe that all players are created equal then thats furry muff, I know that is the general consensus however I have owned 6 different players and none have been the same even 3 all from Pioneer.

Definately a calibrated screen is needed to see the full benefit - but with one I have found it quite clear to see.
Cheers mate.

I ask because I'm contemplating replacing my budget Panny BDP with something more upmarket.

I went from a Denon 2500BT to the Panny 120 and couldn't see (or hear) any difference in terms of HD performance. The Denon edged it in terms of DVD upscaling, but I don't watch many DVDs and the difference was so small (on a 50" screen at least) that it didn't seem worth splitting hairs.

I'd like a more robust player (rather than a flimsy, plastic, budget model), but since my BDP is hidden away inside my AV cabinet, I want something more than a design statement. Analogue performance is irrelevant to me, as I use a dedicated CDP for music.

You may be right about differences being noticeable on a calibrated screen (Jules is calibrating mine on Wednesday); problem is, the overwhelming majority of retailers run TVs using out of the box settings, so an audition isn't going to tell me much in that regard.

I might have a chat with Richer Sounds about an outgoing Cambridge Audio BDP (the Marantz is more than I can afford), on the basis that I could return if I don't get on with it.
Have a word with Frank Harvey - I spoke them about a home demo of the 7007 before I bought it and they said it was possible - buy it they send you a demo unit - you send it back and get refunded. I would say it defs worth trying it before you buy anything else

I just bought it blind on the spur of the moment. I do feel hurt that someone else is going to calibrate your set not me.... 🙁 but I am glad for you that your getting it done.

Its like most things picture and sound benefits are lost if conditions are not perfect - sound is the worst for this where as picture can be perfect in any room
Are you talking about canary Jules(av forums)strapped?

I contacted him last year about calibrating my tv,he advised that as i was looking at getting the oppo to get that first as all imputs need to be calibrated seperatley.
Yes; and I wouldn't disagree with that logic, either.

In principle, that would mean sprinting down to RS before Wednesday, or sticking with what I've got.
If your seriously considering another bdp it might well be worth buying one now,be great to read what your thoughts are in relationtion to if calibration of the bdp makes a difference.
ellisdj said:
Have a word with Frank Harvey - I spoke them about a home demo of the 7007 before I bought it and they said it was possible - buy it they send you a demo unit - you send it back and get refunded. I would say it defs worth trying it before you buy anything else

I just bought it blind on the spur of the moment. I do feel hurt that someone else is going to calibrate your set not me.... 🙁 but I am glad for you that your getting it done.

Its like most things picture and sound benefits are lost if conditions are not perfect - sound is the worst for this where as picture can be perfect in any room

That is great service from Frank Harvey! That is definitely what I what do too.
ellisdj said:
Have a word with Frank Harvey - I spoke them about a home demo of the 7007 before I bought it and they said it was possible - buy it they send you a demo unit - you send it back and get refunded. I would say it defs worth trying it before you buy anything else

I'd imagine RS would do the same with outgoing Cambridge Audio BDPs, based on my experiences with my local branch. It'd be better than having old stock sitting gathering dust.

If money was no object, I'd buy the best of everything (such as the Marantz), but I'm afraid I have to compromise somewhere.
ellisdj said:
I do feel hurt that someone else is going to calibrate your set not me....

Don't feel hurt mate! Your offer was more than generous. If things had worked out differently I'd have been tremendously grateful.

I'm also intrigued to see how calibration improves 3D viewing (despite there being virtually no 3D content worth watching). I don't see how 3D calibration is possible with a contact meter, since the calibrator will need to take readings through the glasses.
Are you getting 3D cal'd as well .... jelous

Althoug apparently it might be possible with a contact metre in a pitch black room - not sure though


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