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ellisdj said:I just looked to take a few buts its way too light - this cal is no good in a light room, it needs far more contrast
I will take some later for you

ellisdj said:I just looked to take a few buts its way too light - this cal is no good in a light room, it needs far more contrast
I will take some later for you
ellisdj said:Hi Gel
A few pics mate - these really havent come out well at all, I used a different setting on the camera which is no good for these shots, its bleached out all the colour which is weird. I do need to calibrate again so this is not exactly how I want it atm
I will take some more another day after a better cal with the setting I used before
ellisdj said:do I ignore the main white balance and just adjust the 10 point, or do as I did last night and use the main white balance and then tweak with the 10 point to improve greyscale.
Garth Man said:dam that thing looks sexy!!!
wish i had the extra money to get that....
I'm gonna get the TX-P50GT60B. Not in the same league but not too shabby hopefully
my kids have officially ruined my current Pana plasma so they arent touching this one!!
ellisdj said:I have calibrated again using 2.2 gamma the same as my old Kuro - its a much easier cal and I have got my head round the system more now.
Its still tricky getting a perfectly flat gamma - I have seen other user reports where it is perfectly flat - but I think they havent run a full grey scale test and only adjusted to get it flat - thats easy - when you run the full test it changes...... However this is now a very good cal at 2.2 until it drifts
Here are a couple more shots taken after this cal - these shots are murdering this screen - the image quality is very simialar to my 5090 but on a much grander scale and it is resolved more and it is better, but there is not a country mile between the 2 at all. I am still really happy I bought this tele.
I am struggling to still get perfect shots of this screen, It was much easier on my Pioneer - maybe its becuase I am too lazy to stand up ... lol
Just on another note the UD7007 is a very special blu ray player
strapped for cash said:Hi EllisDJ,
Out of interest, what does the Marantz give you that less expensive BDPs don't? Are we talking about DVD upscaling here, analogue audio performance, something else, or a combination of advantages?
ellisdj said:Have a word with Frank Harvey - I spoke them about a home demo of the 7007 before I bought it and they said it was possible - buy it they send you a demo unit - you send it back and get refunded. I would say it defs worth trying it before you buy anything else
I just bought it blind on the spur of the moment. I do feel hurt that someone else is going to calibrate your set not me.... 🙁 but I am glad for you that your getting it done.
Its like most things picture and sound benefits are lost if conditions are not perfect - sound is the worst for this where as picture can be perfect in any room
ellisdj said:Have a word with Frank Harvey - I spoke them about a home demo of the 7007 before I bought it and they said it was possible - buy it they send you a demo unit - you send it back and get refunded. I would say it defs worth trying it before you buy anything else
ellisdj said:I do feel hurt that someone else is going to calibrate your set not me....
GSB said:Maybe worth phoning Jules?!