Does anyone have experience of both unbalanced RCA and balanced XLR configurations in similar set ups? I've little experienced of balanced gear and heard many conflicting reports, some claim XLR is far superior, others claim it is identical partially over shorter lengths and is only used in professional set-ups because it works better over lengths particularly keeping out unwanted noise. Given I'm using 2.4 meter lengths of RCA cables is looking to go balanced worth it given I'd need to change my pre-amp?
I'm not really considering this now for the KRKs as I doubt they'd show much improvement but intend to go for some higher end actives down the line. Currently using a Croft 25 which I'm very happy with but looking at similar priced valve pres that are balanced leads me to the pro-ject, wondering if the fact it is balanced would yield worthy improvements? Also considering some higher end balanced DAC /pres such as the Benchmark 2 either with or without separate balanced pre.