steve_1979 said:Have you considered Adam's range of 'home audio' active speakers? The 'Classic' range has very conventional styling and are available in either gloss or wood vaneers and have speaker grills.
They don't seem to offer quite as good value for money as Adam's 'pro audio' range but they might be just what you're looking for.
Ah, hadn't trealized they made the nice wood finishes. Those look the ticket. Thanks.
The more I think about it, though, the more the Audiovectors appeal. The wirless connection would be a great boon: just plug the wireless transmitter box into the Sonbos Connect and hide them away somewhere, then all you need are the speakers and their mains cables.
phydeau said:Matt,
This might well be a not so helpful suggestion. I'm wondering myself about a move to actives: if ATC themsleves say they sound better, then who am I to argue? So I have on home dem a pair of Focal SM9's. How I didn't put my back out lifting them I don't know.
The bad news: they are ugly in a brutal kind of way. I don't mind ugly generally, but these go too far. But the sound they produce is well, hard to describe. I can't say sensational, as they just get out of the way, and let the music - all that's there - come through, as if you were in the place where it was recorded. I though they might be too forensic and not all that enjoyable: any flaws are certainly exposed, but good recordings sound well, like I say, like you're there in the same room.
All that would be needed would be some kind of home made fabric grilles and the looks problem is solved.
Hope this helps
The Focals certainly do belong to the brutalist school of design. I was interested to see WHF reviewed these last year.
While I'm aware of the SQ benefits of some active models, my main reason for going active in the living room has to do with tidiness, not SQ. If I wanted the best SQ, I'd get some electrostatics. But that's probably not a discussion for this thread ... 😉