Gusboll:Ok, so going back to the original point, Charlie Jefferson has named his particular CD player as being inferior to his pc/dac setup. Anyone else have any other comparisons they would care to share?
Gusboll, you and I have quite similar Cyrus systems, I also have a second older Audiolab pre/power amp system consisting of a very decent CDP which cost £1,000 about 9/10 years ago. I have not used the CDP for a few months now since I got the DACMagic and connected it up to my Cyrus kit, I did try a mate's £900 CD6SE head to head against the DACMagic (with lossless ALAC from laptop via optical output of the Airport Express) and neither he nor I could really tell the difference. Hence I am not getting another CD player at around the £1,000 price bracket, if ever.... Instead I have bought a second Airport Express and DACMagic for the Audiolab system and an Airport Express for a mini system in the study. I now have all my music on the laptop and can play them via any of the three systems whether I find myself in the lounge, in the study or in the office. Hope this answers your question.
Very useful AKL, thanks.