BigH said:
Overdose said:
chebby said:
BigH said:
Looking on the Naim forum it seems to be 5 years in the UK if you register.
Well it's a good job you checked otherwise I might not have remembered that I registered my entire Naim system for the
5 year extended warranty.
The Sale of Goods Act covers you for up to six years for free.
Thats is a rather liberal view of it.
After 6 months you have to prove it is faulty and you can claim upto 6 years from purchase, that does not mean everything will be expected to laste 6 years.
And its the retailer not the manufacturer you have to claim off.
I think a CD player not reading tracks and skipping would not be too difficult to prove as a fault, also the CD player cost around a grand and should be fairly expected to last much longer than a much lower priced offering, as it would be deemed to be a premium product.
I got my washing machine repaired for nothing and it was well beyond its '1 year standard guarantee' and it was cheap tat. I simply argued that it was not of sufficient quality, which for anyone with any basic engineering knowledge could see for themselves.
The question is only wether or not a dodgy pickup is deemed fair wear and tear, and after spending the best part of a thousand pounds on a CD player, I'd be arguing not.