Theo said:
Have you had a chance to audition these ATC Actives? Not a lot of reviews out there yet.
Hi Theo, I take it you refer to the SCM40s? I heard them just yesterday, with a Chord Hugo as DAC/preamp. They are rather impressive: very clear, dynamic, excellent transients, tuneful bass (though the SMC50 and 100 deliver more and deeper bass still, my dealer told me), with precise soundstage, that is stable in a rather wide sweet-spot. They are revealing in a good way, natural -- not attention grabbing at first listen, but they grow on you (rather easily and quickly).
They are not too monolithic -- they look smaller than the specs would have you think, due to their curved cheeks, no doubt. And they can be used pretty close to the room boundaries too.
In short: excellent VFM, if you ask me. (I haven't heard the passive 40s though, so can't comment on the active vs. passive difference.)