Rega Elicit R - Happy

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Trust me it will get resolved, to your satisfaction and quickly, apologies again for your disappointment and thanks for giving us another, another chance.

As a mark of our appreciation for your understanding I have arranged for a Rega Couple Interconnect to be sent to Cymbiosis for you, obviously FOC (lets hope that works :roll: )

Paul Darwin

Rega Research
I think you should demand a free upgrade to an Osiris to make up for all the grief they've put you through!!

As I said before I think they're doing a great job backing you up. But for a company to send another dud unit AFTER the boss has personally become involved says a lot. It is at this point that the unit is removed and thoroughly tested BEFORE shipping. Now they just all look like complete fools IMO.

Personally I wouldn't be settling for another amp, I'd be asking for a refund and looking at other avenues.
Personally I wouldn't be settling for another amp, I'd be asking for a refund and looking at other avenues.

i know i know, the Elcit just works in my system/room etc - I dont want to spend any more money on an amp and at the price I think its the best amp, i preferred it to a Nait XS2, I know the 2nd hand market is an option but I want the warranty. I heard a Sugden and wasnt keen. Spending more money might not guarantee I will be happy with the sound. In the Elciit I found exactly what I was looking for.
I've been following the thread & appreciate your dilema.

I went through a similar thing last year with my MF AMS35i & it certainly tested my patience. In the end MF did sort things out for me which in a way did reassure me about their commitment to their customers & made me glad that I had chosen to stay with them rather than ask for my money back.

Trust that you will end up in the space space with the folk at Rega. Really hope that it does work out for you.
stevebrock said:
I did think of BBB when I was staring at offending hole - they really are made of paper aren't they - monitor audio driver cones are a composite I knew PP was right I should of stuck with MA.

In the shop I caught my jacket sleeve on the big chunky staple used to secure the speaker box - so I really must of upset somebody!

I nearly asked to take some Kudos home but was restrained by the missus who was eyeing up the bag store next door! I must say I'm reasonably in a good mood - it's only a driver!

No, no I'm not right. Clearly the RS3s are right for you. Think you've have been terribly unlucky over recent times.

However, don't try to make sense of any of this rubbish, as I've been down the boozer with my brolog and I'm as EDITED as a f**t.


Nightie night all.
plastic penguin said:
However, don't try to make sense of any of this rubbish, as I've been down the boozer with my brolog and I'm as EDITED as a f**t.


Nightie night all.

P!$$ed as a Penguin has a better ring to it. :grin:
Hi Paul ,

I've been an Installation Project Engineer for 25 years and in all those years I think I've had 2 or 3 bad sites that suffered from repeated breakdowns , kinda like Steve is having , Service Engineers have changed loadcells / a to d cards / cable runs head units and comms cards , every month a new problem and all under warrenty because Industry demands a reset if it fails inside 12 months .

In the end to protect our name , keep the customer happy ,and to cut our own costs we ripped the entire weighing chain out and replaced it at our cost , and everytime it worked . Happy customer and repeat sales .

I'm just suggesting , Steve has everthing from you , just replace it all inc cables , set it up at your office prove it works and kill this thread , I know it sounds extreme but its got to be better than a weeping sore , thats what we always decided

As a regular dealer I had similar if even more strange situations.

We had a handful of customers who seemed to be able to break anything that we sold them. We had one chap for whom normally totally reliable procduct would fail, often within a matter of days. The only person I ever knew who 'broke' a Naim tuner.

We came to the conclusion that it was him, and coined the word 'psycotoxic'. He could break anything by willpower alone....... :O
Hi Neuphonix,

Thanks for your input, couple of salient points, I am not the boss (not even in my own house) sadly, if I were the sound of gently landing P45's might be heard 🙂 and I only got involved late in the sorry saga on return from CES which was after the replacement unit had been sent and received by Cymbiosis. I did however drive to Cymbiosis to personally check the amp and tried and tested everything except the phono input (doh)

Paul Darwin

Rega Research
Around 25 years ago I did Oxford Uni external studies courses where I live - one of them was lead by an astromoner called Michael Shallis titled Science & the Supernatural. He was very brave - his colleagues would have frowned. One aspect he covered was people with "Anomalous Electrical Activity" where certain people could even blow up toasters & kettles that are generally fairly bomb-proof. This phenonemon was televised by him & shown on TV.

I'm not suggesting that Steve is one of these individuals & many would consider the whole idea as fanciful but compared to a person arguing with a ghost exactly which one was the ghost, it was a more plausible topic on the course. It made a change from studying the Iron Age or local history!
I would kindly ask for the shills and fanboys to stop character assasinating Steve and blaming him for underengineered electrical appliances he so loyaly kept purchasing. The fact it has Samwha caps is evidence enough for me to apreciate how much budget saving went into this £1600 amp. I am not surprised it is breaking down.
My amp history over 30 years

Trio KA3050

Nad 3020i

Marantz PM66SE

Marantz PM66 KiSig

Rotel RA971 MK2

Marantz PM6004

Rega Brio R

Rega Elicit R

All have been fine apart from the latest!

Out of interest what capacitors does the Creek Destiny 2 use?
Vladimir said:
I would kindly ask for the shills and fanboys to stop character assasinating Steve and blaming him for underengineered electrical appliances he so loyaly kept purchasing. The fact it has Samwha caps is evidence enough for me to apreciate how much budget saving went into this £1600 amp. I am not surprised it is breaking down.

I have a ripped sleeve on my Jacket caused by the big staple on the RS3 speaker box, when I was upacking said speaker in shop that was taken in for repair as i knocked a box off my table at home straight into the mid/bass driver, the box in question was the box that I was using to pack my buzzing Elicit into to be replaced with an Elicit that is now deficient on channel in the phono stage.

Later I will be auditioning for a part in Final Destination V

Divine Intervention n all that, I really think someone up there does not want me to own this amp 🙂
Vladimir said:
I would kindly ask for the shills and fanboys to stop character assasinating Steve and blaming him for underengineered electrical appliances he so loyaly kept purchasing. The fact it has Samwha caps is evidence enough for me to apreciate how much budget saving went into this £1600 amp. I am not surprised it is breaking down.

Mate, I'd also kindly ask those Rega haters to stop character assasinating a fine company who have bent over backwards to help Steve out. You could also avoid the technobabble. You have zero idea what went into the design or assemby of this amp. Are you even qualified to comment on the engineering??
My amp and Creek also use Samwha caps. My friend, a service tech that serviced thousands of amps and TVs said "yank those out as soon as you can". Nichicon, Elna, United Chemicon and Panasonic are the bare minimum acceptable, especially for caps near transistors and heatsinks and in high biased amps due to their higher working temp. Also sometimes (often with cheapies) they create a bad batch and it doesn't matter if they are kept cool, they will pop before their assigned service life.


I am not a Rega hater. :shame:
I don't own any Rega gear - not through avoiding them. This thread has not put me off Rega either. All manufacturers have QC or design issues - it's how they deal with these problems that counts. Rega are, IME, tying to sort Steve out in a timely manner.

Many years ago, I bought A Linx Quasar integrated amp for £500. It was, to my ears, much better than anything else I heard at the time. I took home three of these amps before I got one without issues. I was offered a refund but requested a fully working one that I got, it lasted over 20 years before one channel failed.
busb said:
I don't own any Rega gear - not through avoiding them. This thread has not put me off Rega either. All manufacturers have QC or design issues - it's how they deal with these problems that counts. Rega are, IME, tying to sort Steve out in a timely manner.

True, I am a big fan of Marantz gear, and they have an exellent image as far as QC and reliablity goes,..... but I have had issues with their amps, OK its more the budjet end , A PM57 that kept cutting off the speakers, now my PM 7001 intermittenty cuts out on one channel on the cd input,,,,,solved by using the aux input,,, but its now finally given up and went bang last week, a flash and smell of solder from inside and now no sound. Yet people have had marantz's that last decdades

Decided its time for an all in one......a MARANTZ MCR610 ! lets see how long this lasts
I think gear today is generally less reliable than say 20 years ago esp. at the budget end where things are built down to a price but think that is the same for many consumer goods even some of the more expensive brands. As for Marantz I think they were reliable although I had a 63SE cdp go wrong from the start but the replacement has lasted 20 years. As for Rega Im not sure to get 3 out of 3 faulty amps is either very unlucky or there is a problem with that amp. at the moment, maybe teething problems? I think you should get the phono stage repaired and then take it from there, I also think Rega could give you something for all the hassle, time and expense of driving 100s of miles to replace 4 items.
Well they are supplying and fitting a mid-bass driver FOC and supplying a Rega Couple FOC, I knwo they are doing all they can!
stevebrock said:
Well they are supplying and fitting a mid-bass driver FOC and supplying a Rega Couple FOC, I knwo they are doing all they can!

Thats good. So what happens now, are you getting another new amp or are they going to repair the current one? Will it be a quick swap over or do you have to go to the dealers twice? I think its over 50 miles away?
Hi stevebrock, reading here I noticed your list of previous amps. I have a PM66 KI sig. Would you mind giving a comparison between this and the Brio-r (which I know you were very fond of at the price). I think my MA RX1 needs a musical energetic amp like the Brio-r is lauded to be? Any opinions much appreciated, and good luck with your Elicit. You have saintly patience!
paul darwin said:
Hi Neuphonix,

Thanks for your input, couple of salient points, I am not the boss (not even in my own house) sadly, if I were the sound of gently landing P45's might be heard 🙂 and I only got involved late in the sorry saga on return from CES which was after the replacement unit had been sent and received by Cymbiosis. I did however drive to Cymbiosis to personally check the amp and tried and tested everything except the phono input (doh)

Paul Darwin

Rega Research

Hi Paul,

apologies should have said "Rega management entity empowered with the ability to make this problem go away!" 😉

Think this thread definitely shows that I am not alone in being able to see the effort that you guys are making to sort this out for Steve.

Just to state the obvious, it seemed like a missed opportunity to make this thread die quietly, which I'm confident that it will do eventually.
I read the whole thread with a great interest and came to the following conclusion:

You buy a cheap amp, say GBP 150, it is humming and buzzing and you are really angry. What piece of Chi@@# junk, you say!

You spend ten times more and the humming and buzzing is still there. Suddenly you realize that's just the way it is, so no reason to worry, especially that it only happens under combination of circumstances. You are happy that over 90% users are doing just fine!

I believe that Steve is still part of that statistic with 100% failure rate out of three attempts.

His role in his own missfortune is yet to be determined because some customers............

I really feel for Steve and I admire his patience!


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