Exposure 3010S2D pre & 2 x 3010S2 power amps


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2011
After a few weeks of running in, I have been listening to various music over the last week or so to really get a feel for my new Exposure 3010S2D pre-amp and 2x 3010S2 mono power amps.

In one word I would describe them as glorious!

If anyone is interested - see this link to how I got to this stage. This review makes no attempt to compare against any other setup as such, although clearly you would expect a significant jump in performance from my previous amp, the integrated Rega Brio 2000 amplifier (38w @8ohms), which I purchased new in 2003.

It was the integrated Exposure 3010S2D amp that I liked best on home demo and which displayed many of the characteristics shared by the 3010S2D pre/power units.

I am using my Rega Apollo CDP as a transport, using a Chord Clearway Digital cable (RCA to BNC) into the Exposure DAC module fitted to the pre-amp. Speakers are the floor standing Rega RS5's in a 5m long x 4m wide room, with them placed across the 4m wall and positioned in some space 80cm in from both the back and side walls.

It's later in the evening that I listen most, and whilst I have a wide range of mainstream/modern music (I have all my son & daughter's music too which they have left with me after leaving home), I do also listen to a lot of older 'easy listening' stuff like Randy Crawford, Gladys Knight, Nina Simone, etc. I don't really listen to much rock or electronic music, but I do like a bit of jazz & funk. And typically, I will listen to a few CD's for a 2 -3 hour session.

The soundstage was the first thing I noticed, vocals are prominently placed, with instruments and bass notes easily identified across the soundstage that covers the full width between the speakers (2.1m apart) and on certain tracks, sounds can also appear on the outside of the speakers too.

Clarity - everything is much clearer, and it is much easier to pick out all the various instruments. Bass lines are also much clearer and easier to follow. I've noticed bass lines on tracks where I could not follow or notice them before. Busy tracks are now much clearer.

As a lot of my listening is later at night, and at lower levels (7 - 8 o'clock on the volume dial) the mono amps power driving the speakers is evident where the bass has more conviction and weight to it. Turn the dial up past 9 o'clock and towards 10 o'clock - OMG! - you can feel the sound waves generated. I've not turned the volume up any further so far, for fear of my wife telling me off *sorry2*

The extra power from these amps also gives a greater conviction to many of the sounds from instruments that get plucked, hit and or kicked. And sometimes this takes me by surprise as suddenly somewhere across the soundstage, a singular sound appears, generated by a musician hitting/striking something with real conviction.

I am also picking up some subtle sounds I never heard before. Stevie Wonder humming under the music during a instrumental part of a track. Voices have more character and richness to them, and some brass instruments sound more brassy and real. It's like I can hear more clearly that wind instruments are being blown into if that makes sense.

Finally I try to listen critically, but before I know it, I have drifted off into just enjoying the music. What more could I ask for?

Some general stuff - they came very well packaged in sturdy boxes, and inside well protected against damage. I like the note on the outside of the boxes that states - useless if dropped. They also come carefully wrapped in polythene. I also liked the style of the instructions, similar to those glossy colour A3 foldable quick start sheets you get from Dell and the like. Rather than have to thumb through a little booklet, you just open up the sheet and the set up instructions are clear as day.

I love the feel of the power buttons - there is a real solidity about them, it just feels like a quality product. I like the minimalist look and almost plain aluminium face of each component . It just feels like they are going to last forever, which is a good job really as it was one of my objectives to get something that would last me many years.

My next upgrade is likely to be new speakers as these amps have the ability to drive much better speakers, but that won't be any time soon as I re-stock my piggy bank.

As a footnote, listening to some tracks last night by Barbara Streisand (ok maybe not everyone's cup of tea), the music was mesmerising, I was completely transfixed by the presentation of the music. So I am quite pleased really, summing up 'glorious and mesmerising' *i-m_so_happy*
insider9 said:
Great write up JonathanRD! Thanks for sharing it's always a pleasure to read reviews from people enjoying their setups.

+1 Excellent write up. I have always considered Exposure equipment to be much underrated by many. It certainly appears to be keeping JohnathanRD very happy.
Forgot to mention that a little research shows that the plug in DAC board uses the Wolfson WM8742 chipset, with USB and BNC inputs. I think this is the same as Rega use in their Apollo-r, Saturn-r and DAC-r units.

Quite why they use a BNC connection I have no idea, I'd never heard of one previously. At the moment as I said above, I'm using the Rega Apollo CDP as a transport utilising the Exposure DAC. This leaves the other input - a usb type B I think. I wanted to connect my Chromecast Audio into the DAC using the usb input, but I'm not sure whether that would be possible - some more research needed. At present the CCA is connect to the pre-amp via RCA.
Not only a great write up but I particularly liked the things that mag reviews often miss - like how the switches feel to use. So glad that you're enjoying the set up.

I'm beginning to wonder if Exposure is a bit underestimated too. Such a change compared to all the overhyped brands.
Great write up, glad you're enjoying it (them?) you've certainly piqued my interest in Exposure, thanks.

BTW, what colour did you get? (apologies if you've already said)
jonathanRD said:
Diamond Joe said:
Great write up, glad you're enjoying it (them?) you've certainly piqued my interest in Exposure, thanks.

BTW, what colour did you get? (apologies if you've already said)

Beautiful Black *smile*

BNC sockets used to be the norm for some manufacturers, and some still use them. What the advantages are I was never too sure. I am sure someone will have an answer. ;-)
jonathanRD said:
Diamond Joe said:
Great write up, glad you're enjoying it (them?) you've certainly piqued my interest in Exposure, thanks.

BTW, what colour did you get? (apologies if you've already said)

Beautiful Black *smile*

(although I would've preferred it if they had blue LEDs - minor niggle)
Al ears said:
jonathanRD said:
Diamond Joe said:
Great write up, glad you're enjoying it (them?) you've certainly piqued my interest in Exposure, thanks.

BTW, what colour did you get? (apologies if you've already said)

Beautiful Black *smile*

BNC sockets used to be the norm for some manufacturers, and some still use them. What the advantages are I was never too sure. I am sure someone will have an answer. ;-)

The nominal impedance of a cable using bnc connections is 75 ohm, this is correct for an electrical Spdif interface. Phono cables tend to have a lower impedance, around 50 ohms, a slight mismatch. The impedance mismatch typically increases jitter.

For most modern dacs, this really is not an issue, use a phono-bnc adaptor.
davedotco said:
Al ears said:

BNC sockets used to be the norm for some manufacturers, and some still use them. What the advantages are I was never too sure. I am sure someone will have an answer. ;-)

The nominal impedance of a cable using bnc connections is 75 ohm, this is correct for an electrical Spdif interface. Phono cables tend to have a lower impedance, around 50 ohms, a slight mismatch. The impedance mismatch typically increases jitter.

For most modern dacs, this really is not an issue, use a phono-bnc adaptor.

I am using the Chord Clearway Digital RCA to BNC cable, kindly adivsed and supplied by the dealer/seller of the Exposure pre/power who knew that I would be connecting my CDP. I think it was the same cable he was using for demos.
So, another week on with my new amps. Most listening has been at night, but earlier I put on a Tom Jones cd and turned the volume dial up to about 10 o'clock. Strangely it didn't feel too loud, closing my eyes I get a wide wall of sound where I can pick out every instrument. Bass guitars are becoming more obvious, they underpin the music without overpowering it, and I can follow them more clearly than before. Closing my eyes, it did feel like the band was in my room, and I became oblivious to anything else, in fact my house could be burning down, but I probably wouldn't have noticed until the heat or smoke got me. One final comment to describe how this set up has really raised my enjoyment. On the track 'Kiss' I never realised just how many instruments are used during that track. This might be what a lot of you are used to already, but this is a journey of discovery for me. I'm already wondering how better speakers might sound*yes3*
jonathanRD said:
So, another week on with my new amps. Most listening has been at night, but earlier I put on a Tom Jones cd and turned the volume dial up to about 10 o'clock. Strangely it didn't feel too loud, closing my eyes I get a wide wall of sound where I can pick out every instrument. Bass guitars are becoming more obvious, they underpin the music without overpowering it, and I can follow them more clearly than before. Closing my eyes, it did feel like the band was in my room, and I became oblivious to anything else, in fact my house could be burning down, but I probably wouldn't have noticed until the heat or smoke got me. One final comment to describe how this set up has really raised my enjoyment. On the track 'Kiss' I never realised just how many instruments are used during that track. This might be what a lot of you are used to already, but this is a journey of discovery for me. I'm already wondering how better speakers might sound*yes3*

And so the upgradeitus grabs you........ ;-)
Al ears said:
jonathanRD said:
I'm already wondering how better speakers might sound*yes3*

And so the upgradeitus grabs you........ ;-)

To be honest, the plan was always to upgrade the speakers too, just don't tell my wife as she has already said that I aint getting any birthday or christmas presents for the next 20 years*shok*

Although my purchase did give a boost to our Just Giving account*smile*


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