Hi Steve,
The problem with the initial Elicit R which was running hot and started to sound inferior was down to the QC (quiescent current) being set too high, the Elicit R normally runs at a QC higher than other designs hence it feeling warmer to the touch (bearing in mind that the heatsinking is on the outside of the case then the case will always appear warmer than comparable amplifiers)
This has definitely had an effect on the sound quality and when the QC was adjusted downward and the amplifier was then compared to the reference amplifier then the differences were not at all audible.
Throughout this thread people have refered to Rega and our QC and I stupidly thought they were refering to Quality Control and not Quiescent Current
- this was a pathetic attempt at humour and should in no way be seen as us taking your problems lightly.
Paul Darwin
Rega Research