Pedro2 said:
Hi Andrew,
I've been intrigued by this post and been following from a dodgy interconnect in Greece (hols). It's your own comparison with ATC SCM11s/Hegel that really grabbed my attention. I also own a pair of SCM11s currently driven by a Nord Hypex from Colin. I believe (rightly or wrongly) that for the money, I'm probably at the limits of great sound with a passive system in my listening room (maybe at any price?).
So the question is whether the AVI active option will take me further? From your experience, it would appear possible. Would love to hear them myself and would love to compare, like you did with the ATCs. However, not sure whether there's any room for another body + amp at your next comparison venue. Do you plan to keep the ATCs after any future purchase of the AVIs and if so, is there any way I could grab a listen at some point in the future? Also not sure how I would be feeding a Linn Akurate into an active speaker; by RCA line level or by RCA pre-out (the Linn has a digital volume pre out)?
Many thanks for any (polite) suggestions.
In some respects the answer is no.
Yes, I've read the thread and am I big fan of active speakers so that may seem like an odd answer, let me try and explain.
If you were to try DM10s (or Unity Audio 'The Rock', or PMC TwoTwo5 etc) what you would get is not a better version of what you have now, but something rather different. Hi-fi is sometimes described as a pathway leading to audio 'perfection' and mostly, what happens when you upgrade your system, is you move further forward along this pathway, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the effectiveness or otherwise of your upgrade.
Were you to switch to any of the better actives, such as those mentioned above, this really does not happen, something else occurs. It is as if you have stopped in your tracks, reversed a long way back down this particular pathway, then set off, on another pathway, still taking you towards 'perfection' but via a totally different path.
So, if you are looking for a better version of what you already have, you are in for a surprise because the active option is very different. In part this explains why, for many people, a comparitive demonstration is of little help, you do not need to listen carefully to two systems properly set up, to hear what is going on, the difference is that obvious.
Of course whether that difference works for you or not is up to you.