TrevC said:
Thompsonuxb said:
TrevC said:
Thompsonuxb said:
TrevC said:
drummerman said:
There are more important factors than just cable thickness/loop resistance.
To give you an example, a 2 cable (in this instance from Atlas) exhibits just under 17.0 mohm/m resistance.
The same cable in a 3 diameter measures at 12 mohm/m.
Now if you think this is a big difference, the former equates to a power loss of 0.018db/m.
If we are talking about speaker cables of normal construction the values of inductance and capacitance and insulation resistance are too tiny to be relevant. What is left? Resistance and perception, that's what.
Please stop......
The principles of electronics and mathematics are fixed.
'amounts' have nothing to do with anything. There is no such thing as 'too tiny'.......
It's like a 3,4,5 right angle triangle - it's the same regardless of size be it big or small - I can't believe you've come back to this.
Thought we educated you beyond this month's ago. At least you're clinging to 'resistance'....
Anyone remember when it was 'they all sound the same - full stop!
Good times......
I suddenly feel highly intellectual. Thanks for that!
Then please show it.....
Already done. It isn't my fault you don't understand.?
Understand what.....?
Your clinging to resistance for instance or your insistence of using it as a disclaimer.....?
The man said he heard a difference he never claimed he was abducted by aliens.
And you're here shouting it's 'nonesense' or he 'thinks'......blah blah.
Based on science!
Then you use '.....'too tiny' to make a difference' showing zero understanding of electrical principles.....
Unrelated but food for thought which is better an amp giving measurements of distortion @0.5% THD or one giving measurements @0.03% THD......actually this is another thread but I was going to suggest you look at the size of the figures......
In fact look at your amps spec sheets and look at the figures.....