hg said:
But people really do hear differences between cables. Some even hear them in blind tests. The engineering explanation is insufficient to explain what is going on and why.
One needs to be careful when making sweeping statements such as this. Which cables? What blind tests? for example.
Most people on here agree that say you are likely to find difference in speaker cables for examples. However, when you carry out a blind test, those differences can become so minute that you have to strain to hear any difference, which is not how we listen to music. Also, sometimes in blind tests, yes people hear a difference, but all of sudden can't pick out which is which.
There are plenty of explantions, including expectation bias and the placebo effect which explain *exactly* why people hear differences. It's just that people seem to get upset when this is suggested as if they've suddnely just been told they have something wrong in their head - no they don't - it's just the way the human brain works and there's nothing you can do about it. Why are people happy to accept optical illusions, yet when a similar suggestion is made about hifi they suddenly go all defensive? Just because somebody suggest a placebo, doesn't mean that they aren't suggesting that you are making stuff up - take this as a case example http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/05/health/research/05placebo.html?_r=0 - Both given the same pill, however the ones who were told it was more expensive believed that they received better pain relief.
Even most skeptics will have heard differences when changing cables. The engineering side can tell us if there is a real world difference or not, then it's up to the end user to decide if the cost of the item they are buying is worth it to them, but a lot of people fall in to the trap (possibly buyers remorse) to defend the science (or psudeoscience) of that thing, even if there is evidence to prove there is no real world difference. so for example, as stated earlier about HDMI cables - we can prove there are no differences, yet people will scream black and blue that there are, simply because they can see them. That's fine, i'd never dispute that you can see a difference, all I'm saying is that the cable itself is not causing anything on the screen to change.
After all, the power of suggestion is a very strong thing, and advertising relies on this, otherwise companies such as coke for example, wouldn't spend the amount they do on advertising.