The active speakers club

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davedotco said:
There is, as always, a lot of nonsense written about using 'studio' speakers for 'hi-fi'.

At the sort of prices we are usually talking about, up to about £1k pair, it is very much like buying regular hi-fi in that it is much more important that the compromises being made 'suit' your particular requirements. Simply put, you need to audition to see whether you like how they sound and whether they suit your room/setup, just like regular hi-fi. Integrated active speakers such as these can offer fantastic value for money but that is no guarantee that you will like the sound.

A couple of things to consider, many studio speakers in this price range are designated as 'near field monitors', this may sound technical, but all this really means in practice is that they are not powerful enough to be used at a distance, ie they do not go loud enough. In fact they work very well sited clear of the walls and many models, including those mentioned, have bass shelving controls for controlling the bass if required. Dispersion is mostly a function of driver size, so will be much the same as a hi-fi speaker using similarly sized drive units.

A big advantage of these speakers is their lack of bass 'bloat', the excessive bass 'warmth' that seems to be considered normal in most similarly priced 'hi-fi' speakers, it may take some getting used to. On the other hand studio speakers do tend to have more 'slam' in the bass and mid bass regions, again something I rather like as it is often better controlled than in hi-fi speakers.

Which finally brings me on to the Yamaha HS8. These are fairly big speakers with 8 inch bass drivers, remarkable material value for less than £500 pair but, to my mind, they lack a little control. Great speakers for loud music in a decent sized room, but in a more normal sized room the bass can be a little unruly.

Given the OP's budget, I would use HS7s at £340 pair instead and go for the WXC50 to drive them.
Thanks for the info. I'll keep these in mind. Seems like they'd do 95% of my requirements straight from my Raumfeld.
I use my Raumfeld Connector 2 direct into a pair of Adam Artist 6. I chose the slim and elegant floorstanders as a more domestically acceptable option rather than the more potent A7x that I prefered.

The system is simple and elegant, limited only by the setup restrictions of my sitting room, like all Adam speakers I have tried, they have decent adjustment for bass and hi-frequencies and are absolutely silent in use. Just a quality product.

Recent price increases mean that they are not quite the bargain they were a year or so ago, so I understand if you want to spend less. The Yamahas have a good reputation and are easy to sell on should they not suit, HS7s being particularly good value in my view.

At this sort of price level you really have to try them out, I favour the Presonus Eris models and the Equator Audio D5 but there are plenty of others.
davedotco said:
I use my Raumfeld Connector 2 direct into a pair of Adam Artist 6. I chose the slim and elegant floorstanders as a more domestically acceptable option rather than the more potent A7x that I prefered.

The system is simple and elegant, limited only by the setup restrictions of my sitting room, like all Adam speakers I have tried, they have decent adjustment for bass and hi-frequencies and are absolutely silent in use. Just a quality product.

Recent price increases mean that they are not quite the bargain they were a year or so ago, so I understand if you want to spend less. The Yamahas have a good reputation and are easy to sell on should they not suit, HS7s being particularly good value in my view.

At this sort of price level you really have to try them out, I favour the Presonus Eris models and the Equator Audio D5 but there are plenty of others.

Thanks again. There's talks here of redecorate, maybe house move etc. Depending on things I may be quiet on the buyer front for a bit. I will look into options suggested. If/when I am buying I may ask one or two more questions here again

Just out of interest, in you're opinion would a set of hs7 be superior to a marantz pm6005 and Q acoustics 2020i- I know it's all subjective and people's opinions are just that
was intended for Davedotco and I'm sure he'll give you the full extent of his insight, but...

My subjective opinion/guess is that the Adams would be an improvement. How much depends on your expectations, taste and surroundings.

I have had Marantz amps, earlier models than yours but one I still keep in mint condition under my bed. I also had and loved the Q Acoustic Concept 20's on their own stands.

I still think if you like that active type of sound and they're well poistioned the Adams and many other actives will be a improvement over your current set up

Would just like to add, I'm far from anti passive. To me, I liken that argument to those of CD Vs Vinyl. I enjoy both.
As lucky points out with his vinyl vs cd comment, thr differences are quite marked.

Broadly speaking, the active setup will be tighter, punchier and with greater presence and clarity, the passive setup warmer, smoother and more integrated. This will be apparent even with budget components, so a lot will depend on the preferences of the individual listener.

I must keep stressing, there are good and bad components, whether active or passive and some that simple do not suit the user, as always with hi-fi, you have to try for yourself.

Before the recent price rises, I thought the WXC50/Adam A7x pairing to be a superb digital playback system for about £1k, even at it's current £1250 price point I would personally prefer it to any conventional passive setup at a comparable price.

In a different price band, the HS7s can be purchased with a Connector 2 for about £500, again outstanding value but only if you like how they sound.
My personal part with active speakers was auditioning the AVI DM10, I was impressed with their dynamics and clarity in sound. Also since they have amplifiers and Dacs inside the speaker the only other component was the scource all very neat. I was trying to figure out that if I obtained the Active system where would I put them in the room considering the electrical connections. Can somebody tell me with active system is there one cable to mains or two?
one for each speaker.

Edit: 2 mains with the DM10's. Other systems like these so called 'powered' systems I'd assume one, as the amp section is located in only one speaker. Although as I have zero interest in these hybrid systems I'm not entirely sure.

The thing is, this idea that actives are a one box solution, wireless and such like is utter nonsense. I have three main blocks attached to my power sockets, some are for the TV and associated devices but I also have external pre-amp, turntable, phono amp, subs and other gizmos... I probably need more mains leads than the average passive system! ;-)
luckylion100 said:
one for each speaker.

Edit: 2 mains with the DM10's. Other systems like these so called 'powered' systems I'd assume one, as the amp section is located in only one speaker. Although as I have zero interest in these hybrid systems I'm not entirely sure.

The thing is, this idea that actives are a one box solution, wireless and such like is utter nonsense. I have three main blocks attached to my power sockets, some are for the TV and associated devices but I also have external pre-amp, turntable, phono amp, subs and other gizmos... I probably need more mains leads than the average passive system! ;-)

It seems you are right an extra connection to mains with AVI.. I would imagine with something like a e ATC SCM19A or SCM40A it gets a even worse because all they have is specific power amps inside so a preamp, scource, Turntable, etc will make the connections seem like the spaghetti junction! Reviewers who say that with actives its saves on boxes I just wonder what they mean? Is it the power amp or a sort of mono amp. I think actives may have the sonic advantage but there really is no significant saving of connections..!
To be really honest if you're looking at actives purely as an answer to requiring less plugs in sockets I'd seriously question your motives.

If you want a simple desk top solution I'm sure you can cut back but it sounds like you're looking for slightly better.

Despite what some may say here the DM10's are serious speakers and capable of excellent sound reproduction as I believe you've already discovered first hand. Maybe though you'd be better auditioning the new Kef wireless model ? To me they seem like more of an all in one package, a user friendly option with excellent sound. I've not heard them myself but read very positive reviews.

But the level you're now mentioning is out of my league and knowledge, that's Gazzip's, perhaps Electro's or Ellisdj's territory. But yes all boxes whatever their purpose require power, there's no escaping that.
I went in to a local musical instruments shop today. To my surprise they had Yamaha hs5 and hs8 in stock.The hs7 were out of stock but on order. They also has krk rokit5 monitor there. I explained to the guy I was sussing out pricing to use monitors in an active set up.

He basically told me it was the wrong way to go and he wouldn't recommend it, saying that they would be pretty boring without an equaliser in between due flat response.

Was he correct?
muljao said:
I went in to a local musical instruments shop today. To my surprise they had Yamaha hs5 and hs8 in stock.The hs7 were out of stock but on order. They also has krk rokit5 monitor there. I explained to the guy I was sussing out pricing to use monitors in an active set up.

He basically told me it was the wrong way to go and he wouldn't recommend it, saying that they would be pretty boring without an equaliser in between due flat response.

Was he correct?

If it were me, the answer would be 'no'. But since I don't know you that well, I really can't tell...

Could you borrow a pair? Scratch the itch! (you know you want to!)
DocG said:
muljao said:
I went in to a local musical instruments shop today. To my surprise they had Yamaha hs5 and hs8 in stock.The hs7 were out of stock but on order. They also has krk rokit5 monitor there. I explained to the guy I was sussing out pricing to use monitors in an active set up.

He basically told me it was the wrong way to go and he wouldn't recommend it, saying that they would be pretty boring without an equaliser in between due flat response.

Was he correct?

If it were me, the answer would be 'no'. But since I don't know you that well, I really can't tell...

Could you borrow a pair? Scratch the itch! (you know you want to!)
You are correct, I certainly want to try these out. I couldn't borrow them though. I'm not sure are shops in England a little better than here because of the bigger customer base, trying out at home is not really an option. My system is great, but these have me curious.

I read somewhere that akg monitoring headphones were similarly boring to some, but I like them. Anyway we'll see
The shop salesman has a point to a degree, re 'pro' actives being pin sharp accurate, unforgiving to a poor source and very neutral. They're different to passive speakers yes but I honestly don't see why this causes such division and sometimes angst. I adapted easily from two sets of floor standing PMC's and Q Acousic Concept 20's. It wasn't like a terrifying alien encounter! Yes different but we adapt, it's not that hard. If anything to me, it was an improvement. Because I enjoy this kind of musical presentation.

Perhaps he saw you as a hifi buff (audiophile) and in his mind's eye foresaw you setting yourself up for disappointment. You weren't worth the effort to him because a sale wasn't going to be his reward...

Forgive me if any references to your last post are incorrect. Sadly I'm still unable to quote, which aids my failing memory,

I'd say try to locate the new Kef wireless, the new AE actives, the Yamaha NX 500's, Adam pro monitors in their various forms whichever could suit your needs re size. There's loads out there to try and hopefully satisfy your curiosity.

I found my AVI DM10's a little dry/cold at first if I can describe them as such. When I had my Yamaha WXC-50 sometimes I engaged the manual pre-set eq setting and it added a slight touch of that familiar hifi wamth and character. When my first BK sub arrived the eq went off permanently, wasn't needed. I would say with some active speakers an added sub could be a great addition. But I say this respectfully, like many of us here you're not currently experiening the very best in hifi reproduction. therefore good actives will not be a step backwards.

Where's Davedotco when you need him?
luckylion100 said:
The shop salesman has a point to a degree, re 'pro' actives being pin sharp accurate, unforgiving to a poor source and very neutral. They're different to passive speakers yes but I honestly don't see why this causes such division and sometimes angst. I adapted easily from two sets of floor standing PMC's and Q Acousic Concept 20's. It wasn't like a terrifying alien encounter! Yes different but we adapt, it's not that hard. If anything to me, it was an improvement. Because I enjoy this kind of musical presentation.

Perhaps he saw you as a hifi buff (audiophile) and in his mind's eye foresaw you setting yourself up for disappointment. You weren't worth the effort to him because a sale wasn't going to be his reward...

Forgive me if any references to your last post are incorrect. Sadly I'm still unable to quote, which aids my failing memory,

I'd say try to locate the new Kef wireless, the new AE actives, the Yamaha NX 500's, Adam pro monitors in their various forms whichever could suit your needs re size. There's loads out there to try and hopefully satisfy your curiosity.

I found my AVI DM10's a little dry/cold at first if I can describe them as such. When I had my Yamaha WXC-50 sometimes I engaged the manual pre-set eq setting and it added a slight touch of that familiar hifi wamth and character. When my first BK sub arrived the eq went off permanently, wasn't needed. I would say with some active speakers an added sub could be a great addition. But I say this respectfully, like many of us here you're not currently experiening the very best in hifi reproduction. therefore good actives will not be a step backwards.

Where's Davedotco when you need him?

To be fair the guy was very interested and helpful. He actually really seemed to know his stuff which is what put doubts in my head

I have to stop asking so many questions here. It is not that I wouldn't do my own research, but I know of one hifi shop approx 15 miles from me. They sell Marantz, Denon, Wharfedale and q acoustics. They're range is limited and unfortunetely some items are a little expensive. the next hi-fi shop I am aware of is 80 miles away and then a few in Dublin 160 miles away. As for trying out AVI or any other types, it probably means a flight to Britain. Mostly I have to buy blind and get as much info from the interwebz beforehand
muljao said:
luckylion100 said:
The shop salesman has a point to a degree, re 'pro' actives being pin sharp accurate, unforgiving to a poor source and very neutral. They're different to passive speakers yes but I honestly don't see why this causes such division and sometimes angst. I adapted easily from two sets of floor standing PMC's and Q Acousic Concept 20's. It wasn't like a terrifying alien encounter! Yes different but we adapt, it's not that hard. If anything to me, it was an improvement. Because I enjoy this kind of musical presentation.

Perhaps he saw you as a hifi buff (audiophile) and in his mind's eye foresaw you setting yourself up for disappointment. You weren't worth the effort to him because a sale wasn't going to be his reward...

Forgive me if any references to your last post are incorrect. Sadly I'm still unable to quote, which aids my failing memory,

I'd say try to locate the new Kef wireless, the new AE actives, the Yamaha NX 500's, Adam pro monitors in their various forms whichever could suit your needs re size. There's loads out there to try and hopefully satisfy your curiosity.

I found my AVI DM10's a little dry/cold at first if I can describe them as such. When I had my Yamaha WXC-50 sometimes I engaged the manual pre-set eq setting and it added a slight touch of that familiar hifi wamth and character. When my first BK sub arrived the eq went off permanently, wasn't needed. I would say with some active speakers an added sub could be a great addition. But I say this respectfully, like many of us here you're not currently experiening the very best in hifi reproduction. therefore good actives will not be a step backwards.

Where's Davedotco when you need him?

To be fair the guy was very interested and helpful. He actually really seemed to know his stuff which is what put doubts in my head

I have to stop asking so many questions here. It is not that I wouldn't do my own research, but I know of one hifi shop approx 15 miles from me. They sell Marantz, Denon, Wharfedale and q acoustics. They're range is limited and unfortunetely some items are a little expensive. the next hi-fi shop I am aware of is 80 miles away and then a few in Dublin 160 miles away. As for trying out AVI or any other types, it probably means a flight to Britain. Mostly I have to buy blind and get as much info from the interwebz beforehand

you're content with what you're currently listening to. So no rush, enjoy discovering at your own pace.

I didn't mean to imply the guy didn't know what he was talking about, but I've encountered a few tha haven't the faintest idead. And you're right this place, with everyone else's personal experience, preferences etc can tie you up in knots. Listening for yourself is key as is so often said on here. So I shall add no more on the subject.

I'd love a trip to Dublin, to take in the sights and to visit some hifi shops. Spent a fair bit of time out there a couple of years ago after falling head over heals with a lovely young Dublin lass. Alas, like hifi, we parted company and I'm now looking for a new upgrade. ;-)
luckylion100 said:
muljao said:
luckylion100 said:
The shop salesman has a point to a degree, re 'pro' actives being pin sharp accurate, unforgiving to a poor source and very neutral. They're different to passive speakers yes but I honestly don't see why this causes such division and sometimes angst. I adapted easily from two sets of floor standing PMC's and Q Acousic Concept 20's. It wasn't like a terrifying alien encounter! Yes different but we adapt, it's not that hard. If anything to me, it was an improvement. Because I enjoy this kind of musical presentation.

Perhaps he saw you as a hifi buff (audiophile) and in his mind's eye foresaw you setting yourself up for disappointment. You weren't worth the effort to him because a sale wasn't going to be his reward...

Forgive me if any references to your last post are incorrect. Sadly I'm still unable to quote, which aids my failing memory,

I'd say try to locate the new Kef wireless, the new AE actives, the Yamaha NX 500's, Adam pro monitors in their various forms whichever could suit your needs re size. There's loads out there to try and hopefully satisfy your curiosity.

I found my AVI DM10's a little dry/cold at first if I can describe them as such. When I had my Yamaha WXC-50 sometimes I engaged the manual pre-set eq setting and it added a slight touch of that familiar hifi wamth and character. When my first BK sub arrived the eq went off permanently, wasn't needed. I would say with some active speakers an added sub could be a great addition. But I say this respectfully, like many of us here you're not currently experiening the very best in hifi reproduction. therefore good actives will not be a step backwards.

Where's Davedotco when you need him?

To be fair the guy was very interested and helpful. He actually really seemed to know his stuff which is what put doubts in my head

I have to stop asking so many questions here. It is not that I wouldn't do my own research, but I know of one hifi shop approx 15 miles from me. They sell Marantz, Denon, Wharfedale and q acoustics. They're range is limited and unfortunetely some items are a little expensive. the next hi-fi shop I am aware of is 80 miles away and then a few in Dublin 160 miles away. As for trying out AVI or any other types, it probably means a flight to Britain. Mostly I have to buy blind and get as much info from the interwebz beforehand

you're content with what you're currently listening to. So no rush, enjoy discovering at your own pace.

I didn't mean to imply the guy didn't know what he was talking about, but I've encountered a few tha haven't the faintest idead. And you're right this place, with everyone else's personal experience, preferences etc can tie you up in knots. Listening for yourself is key as is so often said on here. So I shall add no more on the subject.

I'd love a trip to Dublin, to take in the sights and to visit some hifi shops. Spent a fair bit of time out there a couple of years ago after falling head over heals with a lovely young Dublin lass. Alas, like hifi, we parted company and I'm now looking for a new upgrade. ;-)

Dublin is nice, and some nice Dublin ladies also as you found out

I know you were not saying the guy didn't know his stuff. The fact is that it is quite possible the guy did or didn't know but he sure sounded like he did. It put doubts in, but as you say, no hurry. I'll try figure out my control strategy first, be it preamp or a variable output cd player with my Raumfled going throught a switcher box, or maybe I'll go extravagent and go Irdac II.

I rarely use cds, but don't want to be 100% dependant on the internet, I'd like a backup
muljao said:
DocG said:
muljao said:
I went in to a local musical instruments shop today. To my surprise they had Yamaha hs5 and hs8 in stock.The hs7 were out of stock but on order. They also has krk rokit5 monitor there. I explained to the guy I was sussing out pricing to use monitors in an active set up.

He basically told me it was the wrong way to go and he wouldn't recommend it, saying that they would be pretty boring without an equaliser in between due flat response.

Was he correct?

If it were me, the answer would be 'no'. But since I don't know you that well, I really can't tell...

Could you borrow a pair? Scratch the itch! (you know you want to!)
You are correct, I certainly want to try these out. I couldn't borrow them though. I'm not sure are shops in England a little better than here because of the bigger customer base, trying out at home is not really an option. My system is great, but these have me curious.

I read somewhere that akg monitoring headphones were similarly boring to some, but I like them. Anyway we'll see

I think even a short demo in the shop would be enough to find out if they might be for you or not. The differences (as compared to passive) are not subtle, so if you don't really like them there and then, you're done.
A lot of music/pro shops think that hi-fi enthusiasts are nuts, with some justification, I think.

There is a devide and the gap between hi-fi and pro attitudes is huge, especially on the retail level, sometimes it is very difficult to communicate. My experience, and advice, is not to ask too much about how the equipment sounds, your standards and requirements are very different from his and his average customer so it will not get you very far at all. Try and keep the questions to practical matters of connection and setup.

As far as trying at home, I would suggest the following.

Decide which of the speakers you would like to try, choose from whatever the dealer has out on dem, best not to ask for a new 'boxed' pair. Pick a pair that will best suit your room and whatever stands you have. Tell the dealer you want to try them, at home, to decide once and for all if this is a solution you want to persue.

Offer to pay the dealers regular price on a credit card, on the understanding that a refund will be issued when they are returned. Make sure you have your setup ready to go, that you have the right cables, power etc and collect them one evening with the promise to return them the following morning, make everything as easy as possible for the dealer and they will most likely agree to this.

Take them home and play, use the eq, experiment with room position and listen, you will know pretty quickly, one evening will be enough to establish 'the basics'.
Thanks again davedotco and DocG. I'll see how this goes. I won't ask any more questions about active set ups. I'm not sure a demo will wash, all that were out on display were guitar amps, the Yamaha hs5 and hs8 were boxed, along with rokit5. The ones I'm thinking are the hs7.

If i go down the active route I'll let you know here, I appreciate the time taken for your thoughts
apparently some love them, but I found them pretty dire. A basic q acoustics/cambridge audio system easily betters them, plus is a lot easier to listen to over extended periods.
muljao said:
I know very little about this, but it looks like a very convenient preamp

Emotiva range after Andrewjvt briefly mentioned them in an earlier thread.

I was interested in the Emotiva XSP-1 pre-amp for my system.. a big unit, impressive specs, looks that one could either love or hate, perhaps they would have grown on me but being factory only direct sales from the States, import duties and the fact that if anything went wrong the buyer was responsible for hefty return postal charges to the US. No thanks, I passed.

The only Emotiva product I found available at a UK dealership at the time of looking was the Stealth DC-1. that was going for over £650. Upon looking into it further I decided for my needs it came up short.

Shame they can't be more readily available on this side of the Atlantic.
luckylion100 said:
muljao said:
I know very little about this, but it looks like a very convenient preamp

Emotiva range after Andrewjvt briefly mentioned them in an earlier thread.

I was interested in the Emotiva XSP-1 pre-amp for my system.. a big unit, impressive specs, looks that one could either love or hate, perhaps they would have grown on me but being factory only direct sales from the States, import duties and the fact that if anything went wrong the buyer was responsible for hefty return postal charges to the US. No thanks, I passed.

The only Emotiva product I found available at a UK dealership at the time of looking was the Stealth DC-1. that was going for over £650. Upon looking into it further I decided for my needs it came up short.

Shame they can't be more readily available on this side of the Atlantic.
It seems it can be ordered straight off their website, probably the same with other products. It's 281 euro so probably 235 pounds approx, one or two good reviews
luckylion100 said:
To be really honest if you're looking at actives purely as an answer to requiring less plugs in sockets I'd seriously question your motives.

If you want a simple desk top solution I'm sure you can cut back but it sounds like you're looking for slightly better.

Despite what some may say here the DM10's are serious speakers and capable of excellent sound reproduction as I believe you've already discovered first hand. Maybe though you'd be better auditioning the new Kef wireless model ? To me they seem like more of an all in one package, a user friendly option with excellent sound. I've not heard them myself but read very positive reviews.

But the level you're now mentioning is out of my league and knowledge, that's Gazzip's, perhaps Electro's or Ellisdj's territory. But yes all boxes whatever their purpose require power, there's no escaping that.
No they are not.

And you know it.

Please Google the definition of "excellent".

Please try to describe equipment accurately instead of making misleading statements.


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