mushroomgod said:Hi guys,
I may be joinging the club. I was originaly planning on buying something like the b&W cm8/9, and investing around £1000 on a nice amp.
My primary listening plesure is folky stuff on vinyl and rocky stuff on CD.
But recently iv been eyeing the Dynaudio Xeo 5s - they are within budget (just) and i like the idea of having a built in dac and not the worry of an amp. It all seems like a nice simple (though pretty expensive) package.
Can anyone thing of any particular reason or benifits I should or shouldnt get these over a more traditional package?
Very nice package, uses proprietory wireless technology to overcome the latency issues I mentioned above, and has just enough funtionality for your use.
It is a good system technically, the hi-res limitations should not bother you so it all depends on whether you like the Dynaudio 'sound'. If you have heard it and like it go for it, if your room is on the small side, the Xeo3s come into play and will save you some money.
have heard the smaller Excite 16 model (a passive Xeo3, more or less), and found it rather to my taste.