Over the past few weeks there have been many, many posts ÿon cables. What, exactly, is everyone getting so heated about? Several posters seem to be on a mission to convince us all that cables cannot and do not make a difference. When they make these pronouncements others ÿseek to dismiss them with equal passion. ÿFor the record, I am of the camp that believes that cables make a considerable difference to the sound of a system and have spend something around £300 on cables over the years. I have done so, because in my system these cables have made an improvement to my listening enjoyment which was worth more than that amount of money in the sense that the same money spent on Amp, CDP etc would not have brought about as big an improvement and I know this because I listened before I bought.
My point is this: While there are plenty of unscrupulous people out there selling 'snake oil' and some of the claims made for some products seem a little dubious the solution is clear. If you cannot try before you buy or, alternatively, return for a refund if you do not like what you hear, then don't buy. Simple as that.
To put it even simpler: WHAT IS ALL THIS ANGUISH ABOUT?
There is a right slanging match going on here with fundamentalists in both camps flinging insults left right and centre and it is pointless. I find it incredible that someone can claim that cables make no difference. When I listen, the difference is clear. Whether some megabucks cables are worth the changes they bring is another matter. ÿI have listened to cables costing a few quid which have made an all-in-one Denon system costing £300 pounds more enjoyable and engaging than a collection of seperates costing three times as much. Without the cable, the Denon did not sound as good. So spending £50 on this cable seemed like a bargain.ÿ
If the naysayers think I am fooling myself, that is fine. I enjoy my music as well as the adulation of visitors who cannot believe how good my cheap hi-fi sounds.
If you are happy with what you have, great. If not try some new cables and if they do not have the desired effect, try something else. If you really think that none of this makes any difference, why are you reading the forum in the first place?ÿ