Catcher:I'm not saying the assumption is completely false but what I am saying is its in no ones interests to write a review of optical cables that asserts a lot of companies who happen to buy advertising space in the magazine have lied about the claims of optical cables and given that they have lied we might (within reason) assume other things about claims they make for their other equipment.
I can't recall reading any manufacturer's claims for the sort of qualitative differences reported in reviews of digital cables. The manufacturer's claims tend to centre around the relative future proofing of their products - the ability to cope with more exacting future bandwidth requirements, or to cope with less than ideal environments.
Whilst I haven't been able to discern differences in the performance of digital cables myself I readily admit that I don't have the set up to conduct proper tests. I don't doubt the sincerity of reviewers and posters who claim to discern significant differences in the performance of various digital cables, but it is the unexplained and counter-intuitive nature of such conclusions that makes the debate so interesting.
If the various specifications require that the signal out is identical to the signal in (I don't know that they do - that would be useful input to the debate) then there seems to me no room for differences between two cables both performing to specification. It seems more plausible that any failure to perform to specification would manifest itself in unsubtle ways such as breaks in sound or picture, yet that is not what is reported.
The ability of test subjects to reliably distinguish between products can be evaluated with methods such as
double blind tests, but the results of such methods make for pretty dry reading and would probably not sell many magazines. If there is a sound scientific explanation of
why and
how correctly performing digital cables can give subjectively different results then it would interest me, but once again would probably not sell many magazines.
Those convinced of the differences that they perceive in the performance of digital cables seem more inclined than others to express irritation that the debate continues - I'm not sure why that is. The fact that the debate does continue is an expression of interest in what the magazine publishes, and so the debate will be allowed to continue because what any publication fears most is a lack of interested readers.