I wouldn't dare tell anyone they can't enjoy their vinyl, but when people say:
'I prefer vinyl as it's more musical', this is all a bit vague and grey.
What does this actually mean?
Also, if it does sound 'musical', there must be technical parameters producing the musicality and surely, they can be measured.
If they can be measured, would they achieve the heady heights of CD specifications?
Are people saying CD playback can't be musical?
I stream a chillout radio station and that sounds musical to me.
I sense vinyl lovers are painting themselves into a corner, with vague terms such as 'musical', but can't really provide a technical reason why vinyl sounds better.
Perhaps because it doesn't.
I don't know what I would call it but I prefer the sound that I get from vinyl, I think that it may be a nostalgia thing rather than anything that I could measure or show someone.
For example; I have a few duplicates CD and Vinyl, not many as I try to avoid duplicating where possible, for reasons unknown to me where there is a duplicate version I will always choose vinyl over CD when I want to sit down and really listen to an album.
Why is this, I have no idea.
My little CD Transport is pretty damn good as far as I can tell, it certainly sounds good, I have no issues with it.
Is it a psychological thing, does my subconscious believe that because I spent more on the source to amp route for vinyl replay compared to CD the sound must be better? Or, is it simply that as I have had vinyl since the 1970's I have just grown to love the medium and can tune out what others consider its imperfections?
Either way I enjoy playing and listening to my vinyl, I have no plan to get rid of it as a source although I am going to be incredibly selective on what I want to add to the vinyl collection going forward, due to the cost of picking up new and secondhand LP's.
I am not anti CD or anti streaming and could well look again at these in the future, maybe a good CD/Network player if such a thing exists, but for now I am more than happy listening to that antiquated vinyl format when I want to relax, unwind and listen to my favourite tunes with a glass of vino in my hand (*).
(*) NOTE:- Other formats and types of liquid refreshments are available should the listener require something different.