insider9 said:
and I found the dot that shows the signal path
Anyway I have had to delete the led zeppelin files on Roon and there’s only 3 of the led zeppelin files it did correctly as it was doing my head in I have spent a lot of time trying to merge thoses files together even writing the album serial number in the edit section but still Roon will not merge thoses files together so I deleted them till I find out the reason why it’s not doing it .
I do like Roon and most probably buy the lifetime membership because it will work out cheaper then paying every year for it but apart from those albums I have had issues with I have also had to go behind Roon and correct album covers because sometimes they show the wrong cover from what I’ve got but understand there are meany versions of one album but Roons data base needs improvement I think in regards of all the different versions of albums and albums art needs improvement too not all some as iTunes obviously does this for free and they have very good album art but apart from those little problems it is a good program but just needs that little bit to make it perfect .