insider9 said:
Hi Paul,
Roon recognises sampling rates supported by the endpoint/DAC. They will be marked appropriately when you initially setup a device. As long as they match that of played material and you didn't specify any up or downsamplig it will be sent bit perfect. Check out Signal Path to make sure; it will show you what actually is happenig.
As an example Hegel Rost USB DAC accepts max 24/96. However, it doesn't accept 88.2kHz samling rate. In which case Roon will output 96kHz, unless you specify it to donwsample to 44.1kHz.
RAAT is one of Roon's strenght. As opposed to discussing Upnp it's porbably better if you have a look at RAAT. Please have a look here
The most interesting bit below:
Audio devices must own the audio clock. Many other protocols get this wrong, including AirPlay. It's not possible for two clocks to agree perfectly. Letting the DAC control the pace of streaming removes the need for a clock-drift-compensation mechanism that is bound to increase cost, decrease sound quality, or both.
As you can see it isn't just about bit perfect playback.
Thanks I had a look at that and it made sense - I appreciate you coming back tome.
The only bit I am struggling with, nowithstanding the above which assumes that Roon's RAAT protocol ensures greater quality than UPnP, is that I actually cannot hear a difference. Playing tracks via Roon then A+ respectively on my Majik DSM - I honestly cannot hear any difference whatsoever.
I'm not out to be deliberately critical or supportive of one over the other as I have no loyalty to one over the other. I am, right now, listening to a Kosheen album and have played one track back to back via Roon and A+ respectively and, honestly, I cannot tell them apart.
Maybe it's my age.