plastic penguin said:
chebby said:
NHL said:
Naim also hum, according to their forum, if the mains contains DC. Get a conditioner, will protect against some spikes also.
I had 11 years with a Rega amp that never hummed or buzzed and two years with an all Naim system (three toroids of different sizes in the amp, tuner and CD player) that never hummed or buzzed either.
Either I have been blessed with clean mains or it's not normal for amps to buzz or hum audibly (whether audible through the casing, or through the speakers, or both).
Same for me, regardless of the make. Over a 30-odd year period I've never had a hi-fi component that hummed or buzzed. No doubt the transformers do make a noise... shouldn't be audible, though, unless you stick your head inside the casing.
These issue are quite rare but when they do occur they can be a begger to sort out.
Over the years the biggest issues were caused by Naim amplifiers and PSUs. If you are lucky just swapping one component for a nominally identical one will do the trick but if this also hums then you are in trouble.
I have seen multi thousand pound Naim systems that had to be refunded over this issue, they simple could not be made to be quiet in that environment.
I know that naim worked very hard to overcome this issue, changing spec and manufactures a number of times.
If you do not have this issue then it can be hard to understand how it can happen, but it does and it is, mostly, not defective equipment, just unfortunate circumstances.