Placing Cyrus kit in an equipment rack


New member
Jul 26, 2007
I'm looking at the various equipnent racks and am wondering whether I can place a Cyrus prevs2 and 6power, or two 6powers, directly on top of each other without adversely affecting the sound quality. I will also have a Cyrus CD8x, a phono stage and an LP12 TT to place in the equipment stand.

My reason for wanting to do so is to reduce the number of shelves required and hence the height of a piece of furniture which my wife is not too happy about.
Hi, most pre/power equipments are stackable so I wouldn't worry too much. I would make sure that cd player is sit as level as possible, it shouldn't matter too much but just for a piece of mind.
LP12, however, is the most important one here, spirit level jobie to squeeze every single note out of them.
cyrus make a custom rack for their kit don't know if that helps but the lp12 must be well isolated and level,i have a wooden floor and it took me an age to set up but the benefits are worth the trouble.if you can the lp12 should have it's own table but then it's not wife friendly too many racks.good luck,grgeory.
Thanks everyone. Hifiracks looks promising and should get the approval of my wife.
Make sure you quote my name as he's due to deliver mine very soon and that may speed him up!!!!

I'm just about to place an order with Hifiracks. Has yours come yet? If so, how long did it take and what did you think of the product?

That's bad luck. Could you make an assessment from what turned up, or was it matchsticks?


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