Romulus said:
Andrewjvt said:
So both combos sounded very good no doubt.
So as we started:
First song katie melua, id love to kill you
The Avi's clearly more clearer at first with the atcs more thicker on guitars. Still adjusting to the sound.
Played a few then first eye opener: bob marley i want to love you. Sounded ace on mine but then almost came alive on the avi- so much more real sounding.
So at this point for a while inwas skipping loads different tracks checking cetain details backwards and forwards, fanatically checking details and comparrisons.
So at this stage to sum up both sounded good but the Avi stood out on vocals even more so than mine.
At that stage if i gave the avi 10/10 id give the hegel/atc 8.5/10 in relation.
All this without sub on avi.
Id need more time to get used to all the subtle differences so we took a coffee break went back to playing and all the same. Both sounded good but avi won on vocals and midrange more apparent.
In my mind could easy feel the active has advantages over the passive but my passive setup keeping in sight but falling back as i take it all in.
Then i started packing up my stuff and Daruis stating playing some tracks that totally blew my up. Artists you wouldnt think of. Nat king cole, luther Vandross and some very modern electronic contemporary stuff that ive not heard of. All with little sub on now and im sold.
Cant explain the sound quality but so pure, real and live like i have to have a set of these.
All the clarity, texture and details are not at expense of anything musically at all.
Just lack of colour/distortion like the atcs but taken to a higher level and possibly unfair but then maybe 10/10 to 7.5/10.
Please i ask Daruis to give also his thoughts also. But the sound quality after a while of adjusting was just phenominal. No right to sound like this at the price. Believe all the hype.
Please excuse all spelling/gramar as im doing on ohone one hand whilst feeding dogs
Thank you for your above impressions. However could you please confirm what you used as scource to hear the above music? Was it CD, Turntable, Streaming ? Is the AVI DAC as good as DAC in Hegel ? Did you not miss this special clear Hegel House Sound when listening to the active AVI ? Lastly can the active AVI fill medium rooms to a loud level (Can one have a swinging party to active AVi DM10 with subwoofer?)
Romulus, all the answers are in the thread..
we did compare systems not dac's, amps, whatever
ps. I did many parties on marantz pm6004 and dali zensor 3's.. drunk people had to shout to hear each other, that loud it was