New Here, But Not to What Hi Fi!! Starting From Scratch Again.. ..


New member
Dec 13, 2015
Well it has been many Moons since I last dipped My Toes into the Murky Waters of High Fidelity.. ..just kidding, well about the Murky Waters Like.. But it has been a very long time since I've been truly interested in Hi Fi.. kinda fell outta love with all things Hi Fi.. ..

SOOoo after maybe a decade or more away from the Hi Fi scene.. I'm back..well this new journey started last year with buying the Nov and Awards Issue of What Hi Fi and having a gander at Richer Sounds.. not that I've bought anything from RS yet! So without further ado here is the System I've been using for the last 12 months and a bit?

Pioneer SA-508 Amp(gifted from Uncle) / Cambridge Audio D100 Cd Player(£12.50 off FleaBay) / Yamaha Natural Sound TX 350L Tuner(£2.71 off FleaBay) / Sony MDS JE330 Minidisc Player(Faulty) / JPW ML310 Speakers(Only thing left from old setup) / Qunex Phono Cables / Van Damme Blue Series 2.5mm Speaker Cable 6m(£15 off FleaBay) and before anyone Laughs this little 'Budget' LoL!! Setup has got me spending more money on re-building My Cd Collection than anything else of when I say more money I mean pocket money amounts(nope I'm not a kid, well maybe a big1) but I must have picked up at least 20-30(must count) Albums off FleaBay for 2-3 pounds on average.. everything from Floyd to the Lighthouse Family and even new Artists such as Lenka...

That's all for now... atb
On a side Note, I haven't had a working TV for a while, and I have just ordered the JMB 49in Full HD Freeview LED TV(yes I know everyone moving on to 4K, Well it'll be a while before I invest tbh) and not having a working TV has meant no Gaming.. BiG xBox 360 Fan, infact I still have a huge xBox Collection and Working Console, Mind I also own a Speccy...

Just wondered IF anyone else has owned/owns one of the above TV sets? i mean 49" gotta be good for Games and Movies..

Well tha new Telly should be here soon, be interesting to see 'How' this one performs? We had ordered a 32" JMB, but it went back.. I kid you not even at FULL Volume you could barely hear it!! and it had NO Audio Out L/R .. ..I mean you gotta have some Volume, don't wanna run tha Amp everytime Telly just on in background.. .. 49" of viewing pleasure will be mine!! lets hope Volume is OK? and has Audio Outs(Yes I know should've checked) Can't wait till xmas outta tha way.. .. Mission floorstanders next... ..only tha Entry Level ones from Richers(£130?) but I keep thinking of getting 2 Sets of Missions so I can use 2nd Set as 'Rears' once I've got Surround Sound again...
