Deathmetal Hi-Fi Extracting the most from your CDs or Streamers

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I was pretty confident The Chord cable wold make a big enough difference. I'm glad your mates had fun doing the tests and giggeling like girls lol. I am interested if the Anthem that I have would yield even more detail as it's the one above yours. I know the difference between consecutive cables is quite small but just noticable. I'm not boasting just would be nice to know.

I know there is more to come from the album still. I actually got to DCA today in my working my way throug my CD collection since putting the Anthem on. I also had Puritanical Euphric Misanthrope first. Both albums sounded so much more live that ever before. DCA just blows me away. It seems t be the perfect album to test any Hi-Fi for what we listen to.

I went to the Astoria a few years back to see Dimmu. They had Susparia, someone else, In Flames were supporting. I think it was the Puritanical tour. The drums were way too loud and I was stood behind the mixing booth.

Well I know you got a lot of listening ahead of you. I would be interested in knowing if there are any albums you don't listen to too much because you didn't like the mix and if you suddenly find you don't mind it and can start enjoying it.

For me it's been Heatwork, Dimmu's first album. That actually sounds dam good. Dying Fetus: Killing on Adrenalin, Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh is one of the cleanest sounding low budget deathmetal albums I've heard.

Enjoy mate.
Glacialpath said:
Well I know you got a lot of listening ahead of you. I would be interested in knowing if there are any albums you don't listen to too much because you didn't like the mix and if you suddenly find you don't mind it and can start enjoying it.

For me it's been Heatwork, Dimmu's first album. That actually sounds dam good. Dying Fetus: Killing on Adrenalin, Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh is one of the cleanest sounding low budget deathmetal albums I've heard.

Enjoy mate.

The stand out improvement from my Death Metal collection has to be the eponymous debut album from Deicide. The whole presentation is smoother, more cohesive. In particular, the solos are less harsh/grating. Also sounding better in the bass department is Hexenwahn by Belphegor. The bass drum and tomtom sound tighter and more solid.
Waxy said:
The stand out improvement from my Death Metal collection has to be the eponymous debut album from Deicide. The whole presentation is smoother, more cohesive. In particular, the solos are less harsh/grating. Also sounding better in the bass department is Hexenwahn by Belphegor. The bass drum and tomtom sound tighter and more solid.

That's great mate. If you have Once Upon The Cross and Serpants Of The Light, remember how muddy and thick Once sounded and how much thinner Serpants sound. With the new cable play them back to back and see what you think.

Have you got Cryptopsy: Blasphamy Made Flesh? I was astounded how good it actually sounds. Can't wait to hear it with my subwoofer on my Hi-Fi.
Waxy said:
Both of them correctly identified when the cable was or wasn't swapped.

Both remarked on the greater clarity of cable A vs cable B.

his result convinces me that I am not imagining what I am hearing. Swapping this particular cable does make a noticeable difference to what is coming out of the speakers.

Good for you, though if it wasn't overseen by the NRC, witnessed by Stephen Hawking and ratified by the Pope, it won't pass muster.
Hi there, ive just noticed this thread. Good to read there are other death metal fans on this forum!

I find that my budget setup is excellent for death/black metal listening. I use MA BX5's with Marantz amplification and source. My cables of choice are Van Damme HiFi 4mm, and interconnects are Chord Cobra.

A few questions. I reciently purchaced the 20th anniversary edition of Into The Nightside Eclipse. Have you heard this compared to the original master? If so, what are your thoughts?

My favourite metal album of all time is Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise. The re-mastered vinyl sounds incredible.

Reciently ive mainly been listening to Gorguts - Coloured Sands, and the latest Carcass album.
Hello Jonesiani and welcome to my thread. Sounds like you got a nice little set up there.

I'm currently working my way through my whole CD collection and now that consits of my wifes CDs too will take a little longer. We are doing this because (if you haven't read earlier in the thread) she won and Chord Company Anthem interconnect. So now we have that going from the DAC to the control amp and a Chord Chameleon going from the control to the power amp (both chameleons before)

The Anthem made a masive difference to opening the soundstage and putting everything in it's place instrument wise.

I just finished the D's and have Emperor In The Nightside Eclipse on as I type. Its an original pressing CD I tracked down on ebay. It sounds great accept the bass drums are not very clear, everything else sounds awesome. I have to say I'm not in the same room as the Hi-Fi but that usually doesn't make any difference. I don't have the anniversary edition so I can't do a comparison.

Anthem To The Welkin At Dusk is my favourit. I have the EP that has the 2 tracks that are on the reissue of it, "In Longing Spirit" and "Opus A Satana". I think the EP version of "In Longing Spirit" sounds better than the reissue album version.

Have you seen this?

I'm yet to watch it all but what I have seen is really cool.
Sounding pretty damned good. Crisper bass drums and the top end of the guitars is no longer muddy. Cymbals, of course, seem to have better definition.



I don't have any Necrophagia only Necrophagist lol. Aren't they the Band Phil Anselmo sang on the first album and played guitar or something? That album was crusty as hell.
Yeah, Phil A played on The Divine Art Of Torture tour. Saw them live here in Bristol on that tour, complete with rubber corpses and skulls adorning the stage.

edit: I didn't realise he played on HDLM !!

edit2: Celtic Frost - Circle Of The Tyrants from the Morbid Tales album never sounded like this before... *biggrin*
Yeah I'm pretty sure he swung and axe on that album.

I love the Obituary cover of Circle Of the Tyrants on Cause OF Death. You're going to have many more momentslike that, albums are just so much easier to understand. I've heard riffs that I've listened to 100s of times before and they have sounded completely different to what I originally though.

Don't know if you have Enthroned "The Apocalypse Manifesto" but I always felt the drummer was all out of shape and time. I listened to it yesterday as that's where I'm upto on my listening marathon and he sounded a lot more in time. Still a little messy but I no put it down to the production and not just hi playing.

If you have it let me know if you agree or what you think. It's still a very bright sounding album but I enjoyed it a lot more yesterday than I have done before.
My favourite is their debut, "Slowly We Rot". If anything, I prefer the sludgier, muddier sound of that one to the better produced Cause Of Death (which is also a fine album) . I'll line them both up tonight!

I've not heard any Enthroned. Will check them out.
Cause of Death is my favourite. I don't have an original pressing of Slowly We Rot so I can't really coment on the sound.

Did you check out the difference between Once Upon A Cross and Serpents Of The Light? No worries if not.

I'm up to Exhumed Gore Metal. Went through all my Entombed yesterday finishing off with Inferno this morning. That's a huge sounding album. To Ride Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth is my favourite. Only got Wolverine Blues recently so it has missed out on being a favourit. It's a great album though.
Gotta be Left Hand Path for me as I bought it on vinyl when it was released. Awesome album. I actually listened to Wolverine Blues last night. Love that one too.

edit: I haven't heard either of those 2 Deicide albums. Have to say also that I'm not that keen on their more recent stuff. Did see them live a couple of years back. Great live band.

As an Opeth fan, what do you think of Bloodbath? One of my favourites is "Nightmares Made Flesh". Worth checking out if you like Entombed...
Waxy said:
Gotta be Left Hand Path for me as I bought it on vinyl when it was released. Awesome album. I actually listened to Wolverine Blues last night. Love that one too.

edit: I haven't heard either of those 2 Deicide albums. Have to say also that I'm not that keen on their more recent stuff. Did see them live a couple of years back. Great live band.

As an Opeth fan, what do you think of Bloodbath? One of my favourites is "Nightmares Made Flesh". Worth checking out if you like Entombed...

Are fair enough. Deicide are great live. I met Glen Benton once. There later stuff has not been quite as good.

Once Apon A Cross has a very muddy Scott Burns Morrisound mix and Serpants Of The Light has a much cleaner less analogue Scott Burns Morrisound feel to it. With the new cable in place they evened out and I could here more of the Serpants sound in Once Apon A Cross.

You'd have to here then both to fully get what I mean lol.

The one Bloodbath album I have isThe Fathomless Mastery Digibook. It's a great album but I think Mikael's voice is better on the earlier ones. I noticed his voice had got pretty bad when I saw Opeth at the Royal Albert Hall.

I want to get more Bloodbath albums.

Do you prefer Deathmetal or Blackmetal?
Beyond Dimmu Borgir & Belphegor, I don't have much Black stuff in my collection. I do find incessant blast beats a bit wearing if I am honest.
Yeah. Even as a drummer I can get board with it too. I went to a Dark Funeral gig at The Garage in London and by the time I had got throug all the support acts I was done with blast beat, fast fill, blast beat, fast fill.

Have you heard of Nargelfar? Their first album Vittra is amazing. Not strictly Blackmetal but I put them in that field. Also Lord Belial, they aren't full on blasting either. Enter The Moonlight Gate is a great album. I baugt it just because of the cover and it was a digipak lol.

If you already know these albums, ignor me haha.
I recently acquired a network player (Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6). This has opened up the world of Internet radio to my hi-fi. Naturally I was drawn to the dark side! Heard a few tracks by Aborted on a random site somewhere. Great Belgian Death Metal. I have an affinity for that country as I studied there many moons ago!

What prompted me to write this post though was hearing a track I am VERY familiar with: Death - Leprosy. The sound quality was better than the vinyl and MP3 versions I own. I wonder if it has been remastered?
Ah I love Aborted. Especially Archaic Abattoir. There's some awesome riffs on there. The Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture had a really strange sounding mix when I first got it. The toms sounded aweful. As you know that's a big thing to me.

Now though with the new cable it doesn't sound half as bad and I can enjoy it more.

My version of Leprosy is a 2000 pressing. I would love to compare it to an originla pressing like I guess you vinyl is. Though my CD doesn't say it's remastered it could well be. I do wonder if radio stations apply any EQ to what they output. This album equally had an aweful mix before I had the Anthem cable. Now its quite a lot better and I now enjoy listening to it.

As I've said before the changes I've made to my Hi-Fi haven't been equal over all the CDs I have played during the changes. Some CD cleaned up easily when I put the Chameleons on the system but others have taken the Anthem to really come to life and I don't think those CDs are done yet.
Jonesiani said:
Hi there, ive just noticed this thread. Good to read there are other death metal fans on this forum!

I find that my budget setup is excellent for death/black metal listening. I use MA BX5's with Marantz amplification and source. My cables of choice are Van Damme HiFi 4mm, and interconnects are Chord Cobra.

A few questions. I reciently purchaced the 20th anniversary edition of Into The Nightside Eclipse. Have you heard this compared to the original master? If so, what are your thoughts?

My favourite metal album of all time is Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise. The re-mastered vinyl sounds incredible.

Reciently ive mainly been listening to Gorguts - Coloured Sands, and the latest Carcass album.

I love that Emperor album but I only have the CD so I'll have to keep my eyes open for the re-mastered vinyl version.
Lights down low with an electrical storm outside the windows. Beer by my side.

Aborted - Global Flatline and Vallenfyre - Splinters spinning on the TT.

Waxy said:
Lights down low with an electrical storm outside the windows. Beer by my side.

Aborted - Global Flatline and Vallenfyre - Splinters spinning on the TT.


Ooh how romantic hahahaha. Watching storms is awesome. Shame our are a bit lame at times though we have had some big storms of late. Go a great lightning strom on film a while back.

Can't get my URL thing to work but check it out if you like.


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