As you are a musician I am sure you will be able to appreciate (and therefore demand in hifi performance) realsitic music reproduction capability.
With today's level of gear the differences in sound between playback devices are miniscule and not worth worrying about so choose these on functionality, convenience of interface/control and styling to your taste and try to avoid unnecessary clutter of boxes. For sound quality, concentrate on speakers, chose carefully and spend more here.
For speakers, strongly consider active desings (as these are, other things being equal, have advantages by desing and can save on box count). The already suggested AVI ADM9 are excellent and have additional benefit of incorporating a DAC, remote preamp and multiple inputs - an ideal candidate for your requirement and buget, actually. Alternatively, consider Adam Audio Artist 3, Artis 5 or Artist 6.
For sources, consider Squeezebox Touch, Sonos or other compact and functional streamers.