Hi, You can find technical info on the RX6 at:
However, if you need any help advice or synergy information then please send me a message and I will be glad to assist
Hi dean, I have one question, my room measures 5m x 6m and I have my main speakers 20 inch away from the rear wall and 40 inch from the side walls but any closer and the bass just cancels out, so which speaker would be best the RX6 or RX8.
Hi Mike,
If you have a room problem, changing the speaker will not sort out the problem. It's a tricky one to solve because normally it's not easy to swap the speaker position. ie firing the shortest length, rather than longest length (vice-versa). Also, room tuning methods for low frequencies are not practical in domestic installs and generally expensive (Such as tube-traps). It also depends on the construction materials of the room. So, without performing an individual acoustic review of the room, it's extremely difficult to provide a solution to your problem.
I used to have a probem with a room when firing along the longest length. In a similar situation, where the bass would cancel in the listening position. Around 3M from the speakers. I had to resort to swapping the postion of the speakers to fire along the shortest length, which solved the problem. You may find that moving your seating position back by only 1M gives a huge boost in bass. This is more likely that the listening position is at a null spot.
Sorry, I can't be much more help here. I wouldn't want to recommend a speaker for the sake of it, when you will probably encounter the same problem.
Thanks dean!
There is a problem in my room which firing the speaker's different ways in the room still as the same effect which is strange? But seems to originate from the left side of the fire place and because one of the speakers as to sit by the fireplace in any way I fire the speakers, so I will have to live with it.
Good thing is I have reduced it by moving the speakers from the back wall by 20" and side wall 40" and I sit around 3M away from the speakers which gives a rich warm soundstage with minimum cancellation in the bass.
I have a pair of Tannoy Sensys 2 speakers and they have 2X 7" bass drivers and rear reflex and the bass off these speakers are just ok but would like a bit more deep bass that's why I thought I would ask which one would be the best RX6 or RX8, as I was thinking my room size would be too small for the RX8's.
The only speaker to produce bass in my room that was earth shaking was a pair of mission 783 with there side firing bass units but there smaller brothers the 782 was just to weak in the bass.
Hi Mike,
It's still a tricky one as I don't really know the properties of your room. I'd try to get a demo in your home before considering to buy anything. A good dealer should loan you a pair for a few days. You may find a great price on a pair of Gold GS20, as the GS is about to be replaced. That's a great speaker and if you can get it for a similar price to the RX8, then that would be my choice
Hope that helps,