Covenanter said:
ellisdj said:
Maybe you dont have a problem with noise in your system, you may be lucky - I have tons on mine and the quality of my boxes should stop it all but they dont so by me working on things diy and using other companies products has given me much better sound at home.
Out of interest what kind of "noise" do you have? You seem to have spent a small fortune on kit and it shouldn't be noisy in the first place and it shouldn't need you to add all sorts of gadgets.
To clarify - I have a dedicated mains supply to my audio visual system thats for starters so the kit doesnt share the supply with the rest of the house. Even so my Isotek Titan is my main conditioner and technically powers my whole system nearly (1 sub, tv and virgin box exempt). However I built my own power distribution block that comes off its link out because none for sale had what I wanted.
This improves my sound even with a dedicated mains supply - I could list ways how but its typical hifi terms or just potential waffle. I have written about my opinions before and there is loads online about the titan.
Then I have made a lot of my own cables for my source which is a dedicated audio pc, I have several battery supplies and a main linear power supply where I have hand made dedicated cabling with specific screening - these I connect back to a single point then back the earth on my power distribution block which goes back to the titan - via the monster cable Neotech 3200 which has 4 x 1mm2 runs for the earth and 6 for the + and -, its a beast of cable. The titan is powered off the same cable and the main feeds from the breaker are 6mm2 and 4mm2 for the earth. So it all marries up.
The whole system is all ground back to the same place so it should not create any ground loops or impedance mismatches hopefully so all the screening and power supplies should earth all and any noise left on the mains
For example the Bryston has 5 torodial transformers that should be a lot of noise rejection. Other kit has smps power supplies which I wish they didnt
I have done a fair few other things as well to try and reduce any noise that is inside my boxes if you believe rfi and emi etc are pollutants to audio and airbourne
After watching that video a few weeks ago I tested somethings on my own system and it opened my eyes.
All the screening I had done inside the audio pc was fed back to the earth on the distribution block by a single cable to the earth on a standard BS plug - plugged into one of the sockets.
I removed the plug and the sound changed and got better for the most part - and I was seriously shocked. This didnt seem right it should have been the other way around but did seem in line with what our chap is saying in his video.
There are 3 products for sale that apparently reduce noise on your ground - one is $25k - the other is about $3k and last one is varied from £250 to about £5k.
I dont do things by halves - so I would have wanted the expensive one but couldnt afford it - so I have researched and built my own clean earth solution which I am now in the process of messing around with trying different things out.
You probably wont believe me - I do not care but I have been able to get the sound cleaner and cleaner which makes it more realistic, more vivid and easily more 3D and easier to listen to.
Again its made me realise that even though I had already gone to extreme lengths - dedicated mains supply - expensive power conditioner - there is still noise there to be removed.
I think the industry buzz thing will be earth products - I am actually very proud to have built my own.