Cable Directionality - do you want proof

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I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.
Who else has listened and did they hear a difference same as me, cheesboy and a few others? Sorry to not name you 🙂

Not same people who been argueing
I always recall the link where a cable company executive said they were happy to sell directional cables. They would let customers try it and decide the "correct" direction. They cut it all from the same drum and the customers' chosen "correct" directions were random. All in the minds of the customers!

David@FrankHarvey said:
I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.

Agreed. I also think the comment from QED probably sums up a lot of cable producers viewpoint - they want to sell their cables, if they offend a group of potential buyers, then they're reducing their potential turnover...
Is it really possible to hear a small difference in sound on YouTube? Maybe using a laptop, tablet, phone?

No idea what quality a YT video has but surely not adequate for any realistic judgement. Apart from that I find this argument, like many others, rather tedious though sometimes amusing.
RobinKidderminster said:
Is it really possible to hear a small difference in sound on YouTube? Maybe using a laptop, tablet, phone?

No idea what quality a YT video has but surely not adequate for any realistic judgement. Apart from that I find this argument, like many others, rather tedious though sometimes amusing.

The sound quality of the video is pretty good - my earphones are not high end nor my phone.

Try it with what you have, then decide for yourself.
scene said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.?

Agreed. I also think the comment from QED probably sums up a lot of cable producers viewpoint - they want to sell their cables, if they offend a group of potential buyers, then they're reducing their potential turnover...

Funnily enough that 'letter from' QED made me chuckle.

The QED performance2 interconnect has directional arrows and some spiel ref direction on the box I'm sure. But it's ages since the box was binned.

I personally have tried them in both directions -no noticeable difference, May try it later to confirm.
Thompsonuxb said:
scene said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.

Agreed. I also think the comment from QED probably sums up a lot of cable producers viewpoint - they want to sell their cables, if they offend a group of potential buyers, then they're reducing their potential turnover...

Funnily enough that 'letter from' QED made me chuckle.

The QED performance2 interconnect has directional arrows and some spiel ref direction on the box I'm sure. But it's ages since the box was binned.

I personally have tried them in both directions -no noticeable difference, May try it later to confirm.

On the latest version it just says:

"Electrostatic Screen
Provides immunity from external high voltage noise signals. Only connected at the source equipment end hence the directionality arrows on the cable jacket."

Which seems fair enough 🙂
scene said:
Thompsonuxb said:
scene said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.?

Agreed. I also think the comment from QED probably sums up a lot of cable producers viewpoint - they want to sell their cables, if they offend a group of potential buyers, then they're reducing their potential turnover...

Funnily enough that 'letter from' QED made me chuckle.

The QED performance2 interconnect has directional arrows and some spiel ref direction on the box I'm sure. But it's ages since the box was binned.

I personally have tried them in both directions -no noticeable difference, May try it later to confirm.

On the latest version it just says:

"Electrostatic ScreenProvides immunity from external high voltage noise signals. Only connected at the source equipment end hence the directionality arrows on the cable jacket."

Which seems fair enough 🙂

Roughly translated does that mean this direction for best results.

Just checked some Chord Crimsons I have and they have directional arrows too.
Thompsonuxb said:
Roughly translated does that mean this direction for best results.

Just checked some Chord Crimsons I have and they have directional arrows too.

Means the high level noise filter should be at the source end. Doesn't make the cable itself directional.

Though, strictlty speaking a noise filter should work equally well at either end, so shouldn't make a huge difference.
scene said:
Thompsonuxb said:
scene said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
I think many industry figures tend to prefer to remain neutral regarding these arguments - they're not fights they need to be in. I'm sure many of them have better things to do.

Agreed. I also think the comment from QED probably sums up a lot of cable producers viewpoint - they want to sell their cables, if they offend a group of potential buyers, then they're reducing their potential turnover...

Funnily enough that 'letter from' QED made me chuckle.

The QED performance2 interconnect has directional arrows and some spiel ref direction on the box I'm sure. But it's ages since the box was binned.

I personally have tried them in both directions -no noticeable difference, May try it later to confirm.

On the latest version it just says:

"Electrostatic ScreenProvides immunity from external high voltage noise signals. Only connected at the source equipment end hence the directionality arrows on the cable jacket."

Which seems fair enough 🙂

If it's only connected at one end but it's an interconnect cable that means that one end will be connected to say a CD player or to an amplifier both of which will be earthed. So as far as screening is concerned it won't make any difference which way round you connect it.

I doubt that you need to screen interconnect cables in most environments anyway. The likely size of any signal picked up would be so small that it isn't going to affect anything. Not that it hurts to screen cables. Of course if you live next door to a radio trasmitter you could get all kinds of problems but in any ordinary household environment you probably won't.

Thompsonuxb said:
RobinKidderminster said:
Is it really possible to hear a small difference in sound on YouTube? Maybe using a laptop, tablet, phone?

No idea what quality a YT video has but surely not adequate for any realistic judgement. Apart from that I find this argument, like many others, rather tedious though sometimes amusing.

The sound quality of the video is pretty good - my earphones are not high end nor my phone.

Try it with what you have, then decide for yourself.

No expert but pretty good?? 126kbps I think. Irrespective of equipment is this hi-enough-fi? I really don't know but maybe of interest?
(With no offence intended) I won't waste my time watching HiFi auditions with the intention of actually making some kind of judgement on YouTube. You could be watching the best band in the world playing live, but it is still compressed to whatever standard YouTube uses (I presume its less than 320 on most occasion s) and will therefore sound just like that, a compressed digital experience. Therefore trying to come to any judgements about the very subtle differences of cables, is surely impossible, ipand if you can hear anything, I would be very sceptical that the audio hasn't been tampered with. I am a firm believer that interconnects make a difference in real world, but I know there is no way I could here the differences on YouTube, its absurd!.... Isn't it?
QED are certianly not the be all and end all of cables - far from it even though they have had a lot of my money and I use their cabbles now

Audioquest care about their cables and are saying we say directionality is important - this is why we say it - not to prove anyone wrong just support their statement

As I said I can hear I am using Asus Xonar ST Soundcard and Senheisser HD558 headphone - nothing fancy its not about that, its not about haring it accurately its just about do you hear a difference on the video - imagine the difference in real life would be twice as obvious or not
radiorog said:
 (With no offence intended) I won't waste my time watching HiFi auditions with the intention of actually making some kind of judgement on YouTube. You could be watching the best band in the world playing live, but it is still compressed to whatever standard YouTube uses (I presume its less than 320 on most occasion s) and will therefore sound just like that, a compressed digital experience. Therefore trying to come to any judgements about the very subtle differences of cables, is surely impossible, ipand if you can hear anything, I would be very sceptical that the audio hasn't been tampered with. I am a firm believer that interconnects make a difference in real world, but I know there is no way I could here the differences on YouTube, its absurd!.... Isn't it?

Why comment?

Just have a listen it won't kill you.....honest.
Cables threads are certainly directional..... as they only ever go in one direction......DOWNHILL!
CNo - this is a cable thread with a distinct difference - whether people chose to accept it or not.

"Nuff Respect" for Cheeseboy for being honest - even if predictable with the rest 😉
RobinKidderminster said:
Thompsonuxb said:
RobinKidderminster said:
Is it really possible to hear a small difference in sound on YouTube? Maybe using a laptop, tablet, phone?

No idea what quality a YT video has but surely not adequate for any realistic judgement. Apart from that I find this argument, like many others, rather tedious though sometimes amusing.

The sound quality of the video is pretty good - my earphones are not high end nor my phone.

Try it with what you have, then decide for yourself.

No expert but pretty good?? 126kbps I think. Irrespective of equipment is this hi-enough-fi? I really don't know but maybe of interest?

I really would like to know what 'quality' of sound (file) constitute hifi in understanding what quality could possibly differentiate (these kinds of) small changes.. My music is flag and I use dts etc but have no idea of its 'quality'. I have always though (probably mistakenly) that YT was rubbish audio and until more recently low quality video. Some education due my way I recon.
Thompsonuxb said:
Why would you have an A/C output on an amp?

Why do you keep starting technical debates about subjects that you haven't educated yourself in beforehand? I'm sorry to say this but sometimes I feel almost embarrassed for you when you make comments like that. All it does is shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of even the most basic principle of how an audio amplifier and speakers work.

I'm not going to waste time trying to explain why an amplifer outputs A/C rather than D/C because you'd probably just completely miss the point as usual but the infomation is readily available on the internet if you want to educate yourself (something that I would strongly advise doing before posting about subjects that you don't understand).
Since my previous question remains unnanswered I wasted a few minutes looking at some forumites previous posts elsewhere on the forum. Some amusement to be had.. Whilst some forumites are well informed, credible and fluent, others remain ill-informed and ignorant of fact and lacking experience. And yet both try to offer advice and give opinion. I hope my "advice" remains within my own knowledge and experience else I try to be silent or ask for clarification. Takes all sorts I guess.
steve_1979 said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Why would you have an A/C output on an amp?

Why do you keep starting technical debates about subjects that you haven't educated yourself in beforehand? I'm sorry to say this but sometimes I feel almost embarrassed for you when you make comments like that. All it does is shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of even the most basic principle of how an audio amplifier and speakers work.

I'm not going to waste time trying to explain why an amplifer outputs A/C rather than D/C because you'd probably just completely miss the point as usual but the infomation is readily available on the internet if you want to educate yourself (something that I would strongly advise doing before posting about subjects that you don't understand).

I am sorry but there is no need in my view for righteous comments like these. I have been guilty of a few in the past - but if it was between pals there would be you got that wrong maybe with some banter thrown in for good measure.

But comments like - "I am not going to waste my time" - as if that time is so precious he should bow down in thanks to you for responding to his comments and highlighting a potential mistake with such arrogance. Like you are the sound messiah who knows all becasue that is how the comments reads " I feel almost embarrased for you" your the one who should be emabarrased - speak to someone in real life like that and your likely to get sparked out

Sometimes people on this forum get way above their station if you ask me
The terms AC and DC really only apply to power supply systems not signals! Most power systems supply AC because it travels better over long-distance cables (I forget the physics). DC power systems have existed, the City of London used to be DC powered by WW1 U-boat generators. Everything is AC now.

Signals are nor really AC (alternating current) they are random not alternating.



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