Thompsonuxb said:You've explained nothing. What you did was try and concoct silly reasoning to dismiss the point being made.
on the contrary, I've explained why I felt there was no proof as there was no testing, and I explained the resons why I felt it wasn't a test (something which ellis has agreed with - it wasn't a test) therefore no proof can be obtained. It's no more silly than linking to a youtube video of a demo and declaring it proof of something. I could like to a youtube video that says there is a ghost. Does that mean ghosts exists because of one random youtube video?
Thompsonuxb said:A more simple test you couldn't ask for. If you want the why - then by all means set up your scientific tests.
? It's not a test. It's a demo. Again for the reasons explained. If you feel it is a test, please can you point out the controls, references and methodolgy they used in order to rule out any of the mitigating factors that happen?
Thompsonuxb said:The science is already done in this demo - what you get is the end product and the results, what they were trying to achieve.
there is no science in the demo. The part we are talking about is a guy taking a bit of wire, and putting it in somewhere. That's not science.
Thompsonuxb said:You only need to listen and decide if they have achieved what they set out to achieve......that's it.
No, I was responding to Ellis' thread title.
Thompsonuxb said:Listening to the remarks alone on the vid suggest the thing works.
really? really really? Is that the best proof you can come up with. Seriously, if you think that I have said something you don't agree with, please feel free to point out and give some counter points, as I have said. If you can't do that, then it's pretty obvious, again, you're just stirring as per usual. I shall now await the usual LOL, are you serious, you guys etc...
edit - apologies thompson, that last bit was uncalled for I think, but I'll leave it there to prove I've nothing to hide. Let me phrase this another way. Do you have any actual *proof* to dispute any of the "concoted silly reasoning" I have come up with? If so I'd be very interested to hear it.