Active speakers.


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May 4, 2008
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I would like to audition some active's speakers but i'm not sure how active's are comparative to separates; the amp and speaker package. Do actives perform on a same level of similarly priced separates or are their significant differences in performance per £pound. I've never owned or heard active's so any advise would be great. The two obvious brands would be ATC and PMC but whatever brand i look they need to accept an unbalanced input from a pre out DAC.

the record spot

Depending on your budget, Genelec's series starts at about £500 a pair, but you'd do well to look at their 8040A pair which are superb. £1200. AVI's ADM 9.1T which improved on the once supposedly not able to be better ADM9.1 will cost you £1125, plus £900 for the subwoofer if you want that and incorporate a class-leading (the company claims) DAC.

For under £500, check out Tannoy's really rather good Reveal 601A, Yamaha's HS80, Roland's DAC-equipped DS7 and KRK's Rokit 5 or 6. They also do the VXT6 as well.

Performance-wise, they make a lot of sense and compare very favourably in many cases to separates. Genelec are my personal favourite and the 8040 is astonishingly good.


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Jan 4, 2010
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I feel that Active speakers can offer better value and performance than separate amps and speakers.

I use ATC scm50asl's, and i would find it hard to get the same performance from a separate amp and speakers of the same cost.

The active approach simply gives you a more direct line to the music. And also, you can have a Dac with volume control direct into a pair of actives, so less boxes.

What kind of price range are you looking at? You should go and demo a few options.

Most actives do have an XLR input due to their pro heritage, but an XLR to RCA converter can be bought if necessary


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May 4, 2008
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the record spot:Depending on your budget, Genelec's series starts at about £500 a pair, but you'd do well to look at their 8040A pair which are superb. £1200. AVI's ADM 9.1T which improved on the once supposedly not able to be better ADM9.1 will cost you £1125, plus £900 for the subwoofer if you want that and incorporate a class-leading (the company claims) DAC.

For under £500, check out Tannoy's really rather good Reveal 601A, Yamaha's HS80, Roland's DAC-equipped DS7 and KRK's Rokit 5 or 6. They also do the VXT6 as well.

Performance-wise, they make a lot of sense and compare very favourably in many cases to separates. Genelec are my personal favourite and the 8040 is astonishingly good.

Cheers RS.

Im thinking of a complete system change, which is daunting in it's self but i'm going to change the CDP and put in a DAC and Mac mini.
This though will add another box which already stands at seven so i though i could sell the amp and speakers and some cabling and run some active's with the fund's to reduce the box count but i'm unsure of the performance i will get from active's compared to my amp and speakers and/or what model's i need to be looking and listening too.

I have know idea so any pointers would be great.

If you want to have a look at the Mac Mini thread in 'computer-based music' section it'll give you a bit more of a break down on the why's and wherefores


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I use ATC scm50asl's, and i would find it hard to get the same performance from a separate amp and speakers of the same cost.

The performance per pound ratio is a good one. Thats reassuring as it could become a non starter or a different approach may be needed.

In my head it's saying it may not be feasible so plan b may have to come in which is keep the speakers and sell the amp and bye a power amp, this still give me 8 boxes.


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Nov 21, 2010
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There are several people on ATC forums doing exactly what you're thinking of. ie using Mac Minis as a front end and using something like the Benchmark or the Lavry as a DAC / Pre. You would seriously reduce you box count - 2 plus speakers. As Matt has said, you'll likely need an XLR - RCA converter, which can be cheap or expensive, and will be fine.

Need to know budget to be more specific. RS have given you excellent options at the lower end. IIRC the lower end PMC 'active' speakers are not truly active, they effectively have an amp attached to them and retain a passive crossover. Their true active speakers are much pricier. ATC are a must-audition and I'm hearing good things about Adam Audio, which are a bit pricier.


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Fund's, mmm, yea .

Going on current e-bay prices which obviously aren't a guarantee but hopefully i should get similar.

Amp 3K

Speakers 1.75k

Stands. ? I may sell these with the speakers for 2K the lot.

Kimber speaker cable £300 which will pay the fee's.

Hopefully 5k plus 1k from myself, 6K?

the record spot

You might find you won't even need to spend that much Shooter. I'd start with the ubiquitous AVI ADM9T at £1125 and the Genelec 8250A at £2000. After that, I'll hand over to more knowledgeable sorts to go further with...!


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Nov 21, 2010
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Mm, good budget
Well good quality DAC / Pres such as Benchmark or Lavry will be around £1k. You'll need to get a good saving off RRP and/or increase your budget a little to get, say, ATC SCM50ASL or ADAM Tensor Deltas. But worth an audition, and while I don't have an active setup myself, I tend to agree with Matt on VFM. I've done some long listening to the 100ASLs and it's hard to think you would ever such perfect synergy between amp and speaker when trying to do it yourself.

Presumably you'd have some interconnects to sell as well? You'll just need optical from Mac Mini to DAC and a single set of RCA to XLR interconnects.

RS is right tho - I'd demo from the £1k range upwards and see whether you consider the improvement worthwhile. If not you could save / make a lot of money out of this!


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the record spot:You might find you won't even need to spend that much Shooter. I'd start with the ubiquitous AVI ADM9T at £1125 and the Genelec 8250A at £2000. After that, I'll hand over to more knowledgeable sorts to go further with...!



Some good tips on here. Definately try out the AVIs with matching sub as they constitute very good value for money and will fill even a larger room. There's also the ADM40 active floorstanders coming at some point this year, well worth the wait if you have the room.

There's so many actives out there so look up some pro audio dealers too. Have a listen and take your time. The ATCs always look rather expensive when other options are taken into account.

If you're anywhere near Peterborough you're welcome to come and hear some ADM9.1T with matching sub (buying it imminently).


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Mar 22, 2009
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You could look at Unity Audio The Rock Active speakers, They sounded stunning at Bristol, then pick up something like an Audiolab 8200 CDQ, DAC/CD and Pre Amp All in one, will take a USB in from a mac mini, and less than your budget.


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Jan 4, 2010
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£3000 - £6500 will get you some used ATC scm50 actives. The upper end of that price range being ex-dem or nearly new.

I went from a passive setup myself. Pre, power, speakers and decent cables. I sold it all to get the actives and wont look back.

Even if i ever upgrade or downgrade my system, ill still be buying actives


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BenLaw:Mm, good budget
Well good quality DAC / Pres such as Benchmark or Lavry will be around £1k. You'll need to get a good saving off RRP and/or increase your budget a little to get, say, ATC SCM50ASL or ADAM Tensor Deltas. But worth an audition, and while I don't have an active setup myself, I tend to agree with Matt on VFM. I've done some long listening to the 100ASLs and it's hard to think you would ever such perfect synergy between amp and speaker when trying to do it yourself.

Presumably you'd have some interconnects to sell as well? You'll just need optical from Mac Mini to DAC and a single set of RCA to XLR interconnects.

RS is right tho - I'd demo from the £1k range upwards and see whether you consider the improvement worthwhile. If not you could save / make a lot of money out of this!

6k would be for the speakers and any cabling which would have to be 3 meter pairing. I have a CDP to sell which again going on e-bay prices hopefully would get 1k. I was looking at a Burson Audio HA160D which i came across (but not heard yet) recently which out performed the well know Weiss DAC202 on review and at a quarter the price! It also has 3 analog input's
as i'll be keeping the TT but open to other's as long as i can get at least one analog in.

I really need to get out and sort some demo's and the 100ADL's should be on the list but what do they retail for?

I'll have a listen to some other active's Genelec and Adam Audio's

The nearest ATC dealer to me is in Reading in Berk's so a call tomorrow and a phone around to other shop's also.


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igglebert:Some good tips on here. Definately try out the AVIs with matching sub as they constitute very good value for money and will fill even a larger room. There's also the ADM40 active floorstanders coming at some point this year, well worth the wait if you have the room.

There's so many actives out there so look up some pro audio dealers too. Have a listen and take your time. The ATCs always look rather expensive when other options are taken into account.

If you're anywhere near Peterborough you're welcome to come and hear some ADM9.1T with matching sub (buying it imminently).

Cheer's igglebert,

Definitely wont rush in and i'm still apprehensive evan after some positive comment's.

Just need to get out their!



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May 18, 2010
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I was in the same boat like OP a little while back. Wanted to reduce the box count and get the best value. However, I could not get to audition much. I was very favorable towards AVI ADM 9T. That time my system had a Marantz PM-11S1. I was not getting any musicality and ADM9T audition turned even more disastrous as they sounded laidback, analytical and lifeless though very detailed at that price. I even switched to my music but nothing improved. I have then kind of decided that these one box solutions are either you like or hate it. I was having tough time to cope with the lack of musicality of PM-11.

So to cut it to chase, there could be a possibility that the active option might reduce the number of boxes and offer a bang for buck BUT the sound character is more or less fixed and not tailor made for your specific needs which might be possible with your choice of mix & match amp (pre & pro or just integrated) and speakers.


Shooter I'm near Bedford and have the Avi's and sub if you want a listen. Some of the pro-audio speakers are not as wife friendly and you need a Dac and pre-amp, but you maybe surprised by the quality per £ compared to seperates.


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Jan 7, 2009
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A lot of good advice in the posts above. To add/reinforce from my experience:

- do not rush. you have a very good budget, it WILL get you a superb system but make sure you make cold and well-informed decisions. audition a lot of models, audition well. FWIW it took me most of the yar to find and try things when I did my upgrade. get on the phone, look for stock and demos, check one or two shows, negotiate. be prepared to travel (if you spend 6K on kit, what's 100-200quid worth of travel? nothing.) after all, the selection process is part of the fun. I am sure you do not want to realise that you could have tried that another model having just spent all you budget!

- do not try to buy the most expensive or prestigious models. make sure you understand what you want and why - once you have tried various models. Make sure you try on the lower end of the budget too. you may not need to spend all the budget.

- it is easy to get carreid away or impulse buy. do not rush - it will still be there tomorrow.

- do not underestimate things like size and looks. the other people in the house will have to live with all those boxes too

- do not spend much on cables. pro/studio-grade balanced cables (15-30quid pair) is all you need.

- negotiate. you may be pleasantly surprised how many % you can get off.

- consider second hand. sometimes (but rare) things come up that are as good as new.

A comment on active sound:

- if you are used to passive and or budget full-range speaker sound (as I was), be prepared to hear thin/lean, "unimpressive", 'disappointing' bass probably on your very first demo and especially on familiar tracks. that is lack (less) of distortion and harmonics. See if you like that!

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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If I ever had the size of room - and budget! - to take them, i'd put B&O's BeoLab 5 speakers right up there on my luxury-big-room-speaker shortlist. Deeply impressive.



Clare Newsome:
If I ever had the size of room - and budget! - to take them, i'd put B&O's BeoLab 5 speakers right up there on my luxury-big-room-speaker shortlist. Deeply impressive.


Yea Clare, i have a friend who has a very expensive batchelor apartment, massive rooms etc. He got B&O to wire the whole place up in every room with tv,s, hi-fi and in his living room he has these daleks, sound is very very different from conventional hi-fi.


johnnyjazz:Meridian, B&O ?

If I had that kind of budget then I would be auditioning the new Meridian Audio core 200 & Dsp 3200 active speakers, and if you do please let us know !
Further more Record Spot was right about the Genelec Active speakers. Way out of my price range. They are. exceptionally good at making speakers. Simply the best speakers I have ever heard.I found they do bass really well.

Have great fun with your quest.

Clare Newsome

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johnnyjazz:Clare Newsome:
If I ever had the size of room - and budget! - to take them, i'd put B&O's BeoLab 5 speakers right up there on my luxury-big-room-speaker shortlist. Deeply impressive.


Yea Clare, i have a friend who has a very expensive batchelor apartment, massive rooms etc. He got B&O to wire the whole place up in every room with tv,s, hi-fi and in his living room he has these daleks, sound is very very different from conventional hi-fi.

Get him to play you the noise they make when they 'measure' the room and adjust themselves accordingly


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Jun 2, 2008
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Clare Newsome:johnnyjazz:Clare Newsome:
If I ever had the size of room - and budget! - to take them, i'd put B&O's BeoLab 5 speakers right up there on my luxury-big-room-speaker shortlist. Deeply impressive.


Yea Clare, i have a friend who has a very expensive batchelor apartment, massive rooms etc. He got B&O to wire the whole place up in every room with tv,s, hi-fi and in his living room he has these daleks, sound is very very different from conventional hi-fi.

Get him to play you the noise they make when they 'measure' the room and adjust themselves accordingly


Seriously good speakers though. I heard them a few years ago when they were about £12,000 (I think) and it was a very impressive experience.


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