Some places get really heated. This is copied and pasted here:
"I really can't be arsed to write it out again as I expect members to read posts and find it themselves, though the effect of dielectric is explained in this link as I have posted before and a small extract for those who can't be arsed to read it yet still use derogatory terms like bollocks.
"When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material as they do in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing dielectric polarization. Because of dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced toward the field and negative charges shift in the opposite direction. This creates an internal electric field that reduces the overall field within the dielectric itself.[1] If a dielectric is composed of weakly bonded molecules, those molecules not only become polarized, but also reorient so that their symmetry axis aligns to the field."
It is capacitance but as you both say it is very very small, the problem is dielectric effect. Small amounts of signal are stored at the conductor dielectric boundary and phase delayed and fed back in as signal, QED creating information masking or distortion, and the effect of that boundary area forms or deforms over time, as it says in the article. So a non insulated cable does not have this problem which I have proved and is why I use as much tinned copper bar in my internal amp wiring as I can.
Now twisting and fine stranding conductors. First read this and you will see that twisting creates a filter to remove RF. Well that affects the music and makes the cable directional. Fine stranding twisted has similar effect on the music due to skin effect which shows you even uninsulated wire has changes when you finely strand it and then you compound that by twisting or braiding it. These are all largely inductive effects
Extra reading ... page1.html
If this is not enough on the technical side then I give up. Just look at the effects talked about here for which we have no means of measuring only to a degree calculating.
As I said I can build or use cable at will that does some of this, loads of this, or none of this, and I have proved it over and over again IT IS NOT A MYSTERY. I can build cable that burns in, is directional, warms up all together or separately or does none of the above, and I know why. I know how these effects affect how we hear music and I use them in my designs and have for decades. Mostly i select and design for no effect but sometimes practicality (like trying to use uninsulated cable outside the box) stops some of it. Good electronic design is the art of compromise.
Now if any member wishes to insult me by calling this bollocks then they are a blocked minded idiot and there is no place for them on this forum."