Phono preamp suggestions


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
Hi all

Looking for a phono preamp upgrade for my setup:
Technics SL1500C
Marantz PM7200
Focal Aria 906

I am using a VM95ML which I understand doesn’t quite work at its best with the Technics phono stage (capacitance or some other stuff which genuinely goes a bit over my philistine and technologically-challenged head). Similarly, I read recently read far and wide that the Marantz internal phono stage has even higher capacitance, hence even less suited. In fact, without knowing this last piece of information, after testing the two. I went for the Technics in-built phono stage (not heard a massive difference but the Technics did sound better).

Now, looking to elevate the sound further with an external phono.

I like the Marantz warmth but would like a little more definition and “punch” - for this I will probably upgrade the amp to a Rega Elex MK4 in the next six-twelve months. I listen mainly to rock/alternative/punk-ish with occasional funk and classical. So no need for deep but definitely tight and well defined bass, love the mids of my Aria and crisp but NOT bright highs.

So, what budget friendly preamp would be best for my needs?

I am considering:

Rega Fono MM
Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 Communicator

Is the Rega Fono better than the inbuilt phono of the Elex MK4 - so worth buying the MK5 rather than an older MK2 or 3?
Read some very contradictory reviews of the true merits of the Graham Slee.

P.s. would not be auditioning for this, so advice/ help much appreciated!
Hi Entrigo, you have a nice setup. Technics SL1500c is very good sounding unit, same for Focal Aria 906. Focal Arias are true legends already. Your VM95ML cartridge is not bad, but here you have a reserve. To discover true potential inside your Technics, cart like Ortofon OM2 Black will be better. To your queation. Rega never makes upgrades from mk1 to mk xy just to have fun. Phono mk5 is clearly better than mk4. But I will recommend also to look on some used Rega Aria mk1 or mk2. There is big sonic jump going from Phono MM to Aria even with MM cartridge. And you can still change later to MC cartridge (again big improvement). Aria is very well designed, reliable unit, very quiet. And you can use with two cartridges (or arms, turntables), one with MM second with MC. This is very good feature, not common in this budget class.

Finaly, you have interesting amp. I have never heard this version. Focal loves very, very stable amps with high current reserves, like Dynaudio...But this old beast from Marantz (not like what they produce today🤐) could be the right one for this task. BR. Juraj
Hi all

Looking for a phono preamp upgrade for my setup:
Technics SL1500C
Marantz PM7200
Focal Aria 906

I am using a VM95ML which I understand doesn’t quite work at its best with the Technics phono stage (capacitance or some other stuff which genuinely goes a bit over my philistine and technologically-challenged head). Similarly, I read recently read far and wide that the Marantz internal phono stage has even higher capacitance, hence even less suited. In fact, without knowing this last piece of information, after testing the two. I went for the Technics in-built phono stage (not heard a massive difference but the Technics did sound better).

Now, looking to elevate the sound further with an external phono.

I like the Marantz warmth but would like a little more definition and “punch” - for this I will probably upgrade the amp to a Rega Elex MK4 in the next six-twelve months. I listen mainly to rock/alternative/punk-ish with occasional funk and classical. So no need for deep but definitely tight and well defined bass, love the mids of my Aria and crisp but NOT bright highs.

So, what budget friendly preamp would be best for my needs?

I am considering:

Rega Fono MM
Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 Communicator

Is the Rega Fono better than the inbuilt phono of the Elex MK4 - so worth buying the MK5 rather than an older MK2 or 3?
Read some very contradictory reviews of the true merits of the Graham Slee.

P.s. would not be auditioning for this, so advice/ help much appreciated!
Just a couple of questions.
Why aren't you using the phono section of your Marantz if you don't like the inbuilt one in the turntable?
Why are you considering buying an amplifier that has a built in DAC?
If you really mean to get the Rega Elex it also has a decent phono stage built in.
If you simply must have an external phono preamp what is your maximum budget?
Hi all

Looking for a phono preamp upgrade for my setup:
Technics SL1500C
Marantz PM7200
Focal Aria 906

I am using a VM95ML which I understand doesn’t quite work at its best with the Technics phono stage (capacitance or some other stuff which genuinely goes a bit over my philistine and technologically-challenged head). Similarly, I read recently read far and wide that the Marantz internal phono stage has even higher capacitance, hence even less suited. In fact, without knowing this last piece of information, after testing the two. I went for the Technics in-built phono stage (not heard a massive difference but the Technics did sound better).

Now, looking to elevate the sound further with an external phono.

I like the Marantz warmth but would like a little more definition and “punch” - for this I will probably upgrade the amp to a Rega Elex MK4 in the next six-twelve months. I listen mainly to rock/alternative/punk-ish with occasional funk and classical. So no need for deep but definitely tight and well defined bass, love the mids of my Aria and crisp but NOT bright highs.

So, what budget friendly preamp would be best for my needs?

I am considering:

Rega Fono MM
Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 Communicator

Is the Rega Fono better than the inbuilt phono of the Elex MK4 - so worth buying the MK5 rather than an older MK2 or 3?
Read some very contradictory reviews of the true merits of the Graham Slee.

P.s. would not be auditioning for this, so advice/ help much appreciated!
One more remark, Rega Phono MM as standalone unit sounds better than very good phono MM preamp inside Elicit mk4, Elex mk5.
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Hi Entrigo, you have a nice setup. Technics SL1500c is very good sounding unit, same for Focal Aria 906. Focal Arias are true legends already. Your VM95ML cartridge is not bad, but here you have a reserve. To discover true potential inside your Technics, cart like Ortofon OM2 Black will be better. To your queation. Rega never makes upgrades from mk1 to mk xy just to have fun. Phono mk5 is clearly better than mk4. But I will recommend also to look on some used Rega Aria mk1 or mk2. There is big sonic jump going from Phono MM to Aria even with MM cartridge. And you can still change later to MC cartridge (again big improvement). Aria is very well designed, reliable unit, very quiet. And you can use with two cartridges (or arms, turntables), one with MM second with MC. This is very good feature, not common in this budget class.

Finaly, you have interesting amp. I have never heard this version. Focal loves very, very stable amps with high current reserves, like Dynaudio...But this old beast from Marantz (not like what they produce today🤐) could be the right one for this task. BR. Juraj
Thanks Juraj. I did think for a while to move back to Ortofon (the Red that came with the deck I did not like one bit and swapped out within literally 5 minutes) but then I do like the VM95 especially the ML bit - I have a lot of 70s and 80s records and it does seem to pick up less surface noise. Why do you say it’s the weakest link? Always read very good things about it.

The Marantz was meant to be a stop-gap upgrade - got bored of my old Denon PME800 - but then I liked it well enough. I love the warm mids and generally quite engaging sound.
Just a couple of questions.
Why aren't you using the phono section of your Marantz if you don't like the inbuilt one in the turntable?
Why are you considering buying an amplifier that has a built in DAC?
If you really mean to get the Rega Elex it also has a decent phono stage built in.
If you simply must have an external phono preamp what is your maximum budget?
Well, I don’t dislike the Technics - I am just interested to see if I can further improve the sound quality (especially given the above about the Technics not being best suited to the AT cartridge, which I quite like).

I did try the Marantz phono but I found the Technics one better. Now having read that the 7200 has crazy high capacitance (400pF whatever that is) and the AT needing 100pF, might explain it.

It’s obviously not a necessary upgrade, just trying to get the best out of the TT and cartridge… And I have anyway always read that an external phono is better than the most integrated. But obviously with my next amp being Rega, wondered if it was actually the exact same… Budget, well I guess it depends on how much I would have to spend to better the Elex. At the same time I was thinking of another stop-gap upgrade of around £200. And then if this is still better than the Elex phono, win=win!
Thanks Juraj. I did think for a while to move back to Ortofon (the Red that came with the deck I did not like one bit and swapped out within literally 5 minutes) but then I do like the VM95 especially the ML bit - I have a lot of 70s and 80s records and it does seem to pick up less surface noise. Why do you say it’s the weakest link? Always read very good things about it.

The Marantz was meant to be a stop-gap upgrade - got bored of my old Denon PME800 - but then I liked it well enough. I love the warm mids and generally quite engaging sound.
Hi Entrigo, I have high respect for your preferences. You are partly right. Ortofon is popular choice for audiophiles, who wants to get max from their setup. I have good experience with Om2 Black on my Rega Planar 25. But it was a bit "dry" and cold for my taste. Later I used Goldring 1042 mm and also Rega Exact. Technics turntable sound more "earthy" that Rega, with big bass and dynamic sound. Rega needs open very fast cartridge to shine. Here it is of course depending on "hear for yourself" trial. This is the most important in our hobby. So Ortofon is a tip for turntable like Technics. Can be also Sumiko may sound very well on Technics. On my Rega turntables today I prefere Benz Micro Glyder Sl on Planar25 for older, mid quality LPs and Lyra Delos MC on Planar 9 for high quality LPs to cartridges to Rega own models. But If you like combination Technics with VM95 than keep it. Same for your amp. If you like it, keep it. Phono preamp to change and upgrade is not so difficult step. I have used some 15-17 phono preamps...😂, till I found my favourite ones, as Rega Aria, Electrocompanient ECP 1mk2 with power supply(better than Aria) and Rega Ios MC preamp(big improvement but just MC). And currently thinking about new speakers from Focal (AriaX or used Kanta), Triangle or Fyne Audio. I need to write to Santa Claus😉.
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Hi Entrigo, I have high respect for your preferences. You are partly right. Ortofon is popular choice for audiophiles, who wants to get max from their setup. I have good experience with Om2 Black on my Rega Planar 25. But it was a bit "dry" and cold for my taste. Later I used Goldring 1042 mm and also Rega Exact. Technics turntable sound more "earthy" that Rega, with big bass and dynamic sound. Rega needs open very fast cartridge to shine. Here it is of course depending on "hear for yourself" trial. This is the most important in our hobby. So Ortofon is a tip for turntable like Technics. Can be also Sumiko may sound very well on Technics. On my Rega turntables today I prefere Benz Micro Glyder Sl on Planar25 for older, mid quality LPs and Lyra Delos MC on Planar 9 for high quality LPs to cartridges to Rega own models. But If you like combination Technics with VM95 than keep it. Same for your amp. If you like it, keep it. Phono preamp to change and upgrade is not so difficult step. I have used some 15-17 phono preamps...😂, till I found my favourite ones, as Rega Aria, Electrocompanient ECP 1mk2 with power supply(better than Aria) and Rega Ios MC preamp(big improvement but just MC). And currently thinking about new speakers from Focal (AriaX or used Kanta), Triangle or Fyne Audio. I need to write to Santa Claus😉.
Yes excellent points there. I might actually buy an Ortofon Black or Bronze and just keep both headshells/cartridges and swap them around at need.

Glad to see you are thinking about the Arias. I really do like them - I went with them as I couldn’t find any other front ported speakers to demo at the time, but super happy with them. To be brutally honest, I think I did prefer another of the two I demoed (Monitor Audio Silver 100 and Dali Opticon 1 - I really can’t remember which one, but I think it might have been the Dalis) but as they were both rear ported and my position was a little awkward, I went with the Aria. But after all, it was listening to a pair of old Focal at my brother in law’s that made me want to upgrade - so I guess it was meant to be.

In terms of amp, I like the warmth of the Marantz sound but - also given the type of music I listen to (mainly alternative, rock, punk etc) I do wish for something with a little more punch and dynamics - hence why I will most likely move to the Rega, which for what I read seems to have a similar warmth but more oomph. I will obviously demo a few anyway, when the time comes. Hopefully Santa Claus will work his magic 😂
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Well, I don’t dislike the Technics - I am just interested to see if I can further improve the sound quality (especially given the above about the Technics not being best suited to the AT cartridge, which I quite like).

I did try the Marantz phono but I found the Technics one better. Now having read that the 7200 has crazy high capacitance (400pF whatever that is) and the AT needing 100pF, might explain it.

It’s obviously not a necessary upgrade, just trying to get the best out of the TT and cartridge… And I have anyway always read that an external phono is better than the most integrated. But obviously with my next amp being Rega, wondered if it was actually the exact same… Budget, well I guess it depends on how much I would have to spend to better the Elex. At the same time I was thinking of another stop-gap upgrade of around £200. And then if this is still better than the Elex phono, win=win!
i have a grado that is sold today a lot more cheaper the prestige II(or III) gold ,i think it´s worth the money , and i have it on a technics turntable ,only a 1977 one,

but i have the opinion that all technics turntables sold after 1980 are worst than the ones sold before as i bought in the 80´s a very nice sounding SL-M1 or....don´t remenber the number but it needed a repair and when asking for the cost of the repair i put to work a 79 technics turntable,

that i have many from the 70´s and none needed nothing either than regular maintenace ´till today,

i´m using at my mother´s house a SL-1310mkII with original cartridge and stylus (this last was the last i had from the old days and i have a 2Mblack from ortofon for it and heard a lot of people talking good of this cartridge to when conecting mine, not using it at all,

as the original sounds a lot better and louder, but technics was always good with nagaoka just not the cheapest or MP-110,

with the turntable i have it hooked to a Pioneer A-91D wich as a phono input with great quality and have some JBL as50 and as option some cdm7 from B&W.
Also depending on the record i can conect a dynamic processor or just the GR-777 equalizer all pioneer.

Almost forget to say thati don´t know what happened to cartridges and stylus as the new ones are totally diferent from the ones sold ´till the 90´s,

i had a turntable from Pioneer a PL-430 that had a cartridge from AT and bought a fitting yellow cartridge from Huco a swiss brand that it was a substitution needle for the late 70´s AT95 and i couldn´t be more amazed how this turntable sounded with that AT stylus that cost me 20€,

today i have some friends who have this new cartridges from AT and i can´t explain how bad they sound, just saying something is diferent from new to old cartridges as an example Ortofon was a brand that one couldn´t go wrong with it after hearing some new cartridges i don´t reconise this brand anymore,

and Audio-technica was a excelent brand i personalized one turntable that i install on it a AT tonearm and a AT at the time expensive MC type cartridge and it sounded perfect with a SA-9700 from Pioneer and some altec lasing speakers from 1970.

To end i have to say that i think Marantz was one of the best brands in the world, also some Denon amplifiers from early 70´s sound amazing good using some tannoy Sixies a late 80´s model that was a lot sold ,mine are the 5 model, pre-amplifiers aren´t needed with old cartridges as the amplifiers have dedicated inputs to mc cartridges, even litle volume knobs as in pioneer amp.´s
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i have a grado that is sold today a lot more cheaper the prestige II(or III) gold ,i think it´s worth the money , and i have it on a technics turntable ,only a 1977 one,

but i have the opinion that all technics turntables sold after 1980 are worst than the ones sold before as i bought in the 80´s a very nice sounding SL-M1 or....don´t remenber the number but it needed a repair and when asking for the cost of the repair i put to work a 79 technics turntable,

that i have many from the 70´s and none needed nothing either than regular maintenace ´till today,

i´m using at my mother´s house a SL-1310mkII with original cartridge and stylus (this last was the last i had from the old days and i have a 2Mblack from ortofon for it and heard a lot of people talking good of this cartridge to when conecting mine, not using it at all,

as the original sounds a lot better and louder, but technics was always good with nagaoka just not the cheapest or MP-110,

with the turntable i have it hooked to a Pioneer A-91D wich as a phono input with great quality and have some JBL as50 and as option some cdm7 from B&W.
Also depending on the record i can conect a dynamic processor or just the GR-777 equalizer all pioneer.

Almost forget to say thati don´t know what happened to cartridges and stylus as the new ones are totally diferent from the ones sold ´till the 90´s,

i had a turntable from Pioneer a PL-430 that had a cartridge from AT and bought a fitting yellow cartridge from Huco a swiss brand that it was a substitution needle for the late 70´s AT95 and i couldn´t be more amazed how this turntable sounded with that AT stylus that cost me 20€,

today i have some friends who have this new cartridges from AT and i can´t explain how bad they sound, just saying something is diferent from new to old cartridges as an example Ortofon was a brand that one couldn´t go wrong with it after hearing some new cartridges i don´t reconise this brand anymore,

and Audio-technica was a excelent brand i personalized one turntable that i install on it a AT tonearm and a AT at the time expensive MC type cartridge and it sounded perfect with a SA-9700 from Pioneer and some altec lasing speakers from 1970.

To end i have to say that i think Marantz was one of the best brands in the world, also some Denon amplifiers from early 70´s sound amazing good using some tannoy Sixies a late 80´s model that was a lot sold ,mine are the 5 model, pre-amplifiers aren´t needed with old cartridges as the amplifiers have dedicated inputs to mc cartridges, even litle volume knobs as in pioneer amp.´s
Can't really talk about older models as in my youth (90s) I only listened to records on my dad's "standard" 1970s Phillips TT with an unspecified cartridge... I was young and only interested in rocking to the music haha

That said, I do like my 2020s SL1500C with AT microlinear stylus a lot.
Yes excellent points there. I might actually buy an Ortofon Black or Bronze and just keep both headshells/cartridges and swap them around at need.

Glad to see you are thinking about the Arias. I really do like them - I went with them as I couldn’t find any other front ported speakers to demo at the time, but super happy with them. To be brutally honest, I think I did prefer another of the two I demoed (Monitor Audio Silver 100 and Dali Opticon 1 - I really can’t remember which one, but I think it might have been the Dalis) but as they were both rear ported and my position was a little awkward, I went with the Aria. But after all, it was listening to a pair of old Focal at my brother in law’s that made me want to upgrade - so I guess it was meant to be.

In terms of amp, I like the warmth of the Marantz sound but - also given the type of music I listen to (mainly alternative, rock, punk etc) I do wish for something with a little more punch and dynamics - hence why I will most likely move to the Rega, which for what I read seems to have a similar warmth but more oomph. I will obviously demo a few anyway, when the time comes. Hopefully Santa Claus will work his magic 😂
Ha. Didn't realise it was this thread.

I did (very) eventually get an Elex-R and so far it is as expected. Nice and warm but punchy and driven at the same time.

It's very early and not yet done a full A/B comparison, but I think it might be a touch less musical than the Marantz, but overall very happy with it..


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