What are your 2010 hifi resolutions?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi fellas, let's share your hifi goals for 2010.

Mine is to achieve a huge jump in sonic performance from my current system. Any suggestion of amp, cdp and speakers for me to achieve this? I do have a few in mind but I won't name them yet so as not to influence your suggestions.
sonus faber guarneri or homage series plus audio analogue class a amplifier but your cd player will be fine

for me a new dac
Hi one off, you seem to favour SF. Well, I will definitely be auditioning the Homage series. But at that price, I will need to consider the Magico V2 too. Have you had the chance to listen to them? How about a Leema Tucana II driving the SF?
jtein:Hi one off, you seem to favour SF. Well, I will definitely be auditioning the Homage series. But at that price, I will need to consider the Magico V2 too. Have you had the chance to listen to them? How about a Leema Tucana II driving the SF?havent heard the magicos but the design leaves me a bit cold

yes i do like the sound of sonus faber unfortunately a lot of speakers particularly british ones sacrifice too much for pace and detail which i find too difficult to listen to for long periods whereas sf seem to get the music and the tone of the individual instruments right for me anyway

id imagine the leema would be fine though if youre looking at the homage id go higher up the price range than that

unison research electrocompaniet and copland go well with sf but theyre not too particular about amplifiers providing they have enough power
By the end of 2010 I hope to have some Cremona M or Cremona Elipsa speakers. For CD I have vairous options, Supernova, Marantz CD7, AMR-77(7), Audio Research CD5. I'm still thinking wether I'll go for a pre/power combo or an integrated amp.
Stop tweaking (I already have the last 5 months or so) and just enjoy my system.......
I'm very happy with my Rotel RA-05 & B&W 685's. The next development will be to add 686's, a centre and a sub, hopefully with a bargain of a receiver, blu-ray, and turn it into a proper home cinema setup as well! If I've got that sorted next year, I'll be very happy!
just one change planned for 2010 - or at least under consideration.

switch the v-dac for a wadia 121 dac when it is eventually released as an upgrade / visual match for the 170i.

the rest of my system is sorted now i think.
Hi fellas, let's share your hifi goals for 2010.

Mine is to achieve a huge jump in sonic performance from my current system. Any suggestion of amp, cdp and speakers for me to achieve this? I do have a few in mind but I won't name them yet so as not to influence your suggestions.

No such thing as a huge jump from that lot, buddy...
Well - having just done a major upgrade and soon to demo a CD player [Moon 750D] to try with it - I hope to buy nothing else in 2010, but discover a lot more music from bands/people I've never heard of !
My resolution is to buy more music. Spotify is awesome for work listening/background music/discovering new bands etc, but as i've (re)discovered with a few recent buys, there's nothing like the joy - and extra engagement - that a new CD or vinyl purchase can provide. So, I resolve to spend maybe a little less on Blu-rays and more on music
Clare Newsome:My resolution is to buy more music. Spotify is awesome for work listening/background music/discovering new bands etc, but as i've (re)discovered with a few recent buys, there's nothing like the joy - and extra engagement - that a new CD or vinyl purchase can provide.

Couldnt agree more. Although if anything my resolution should be to press "buy" a few less times every time I go on play.com. I love the constant flow of play.com packets through the door, not such a fan of the dent it makes in my credit card balance though.

My other resolution is to properly research some new speakers for my new Naim Setup. But I dont think that will be for a while yet...
JamesOK:I love the constant flow of play.com packets through the door, not such a fan of the dent it makes in my credit card balance though.

I share your pain. Add book-buying and i've started to (semi)joke that I should just tithe my income to Amazon, much as people once tithed theirs to the church
I resolve to:

- have another go at getting a bigger telly
- get my vinyl set up working again, probably involving some serious cans
- buy no music at all
- consider starting the NaimUniti campaign
- actually I can't tell you the last one
'another' go at getting a bigger telly ...... ?

How did you fail thus far !?!??!

I've got a SIM2 Domino 55M going if you like!!
JohnDuncan:No such thing as a huge jump from that lot, buddy...

Err.....even if I have £20k to blow?

Btw, nice avatar....who's that?
Mine's to buy a mains conditioner, so that I gave something safer/neater to run my bedroom kit through than the extensions currently used.

I'm not allowed any other resolutions involving spending money, 2009 witnessed the purchase of two Panasonic TVs + 1 Wall mount,1 Sugden Ampmaster, 1 Blu-Ray player, HDMi Lead, X-Box 360 and Entertainment pack, Draft N Router and probably other things that I have done a good job of forgetting.

I think barring disastrous kit damage, my next spend is allowed in 2015.
Clare Newsome:
JamesOK:I love the constant flow of play.com packets through the door, not such a fan of the dent it makes in my credit card balance though.

I share your pain. Add book-buying and i've started to (semi)joke that I should just tithe my income to Amazon, much as people once tithed theirs to the church

Well, the postman has just been. I dont even know whats in these envelopes! Maybe I need to setup online buyers anonymous...

I have absolutely no idea how to make my system TRUELY better so my new years resolution is not to try and spend money on things that wont actually make a difference. Although i do want a sub and a dac and....oh dear 🙂
Absolutely totally satisfied with my system, any funds will go on more music CDs and vinyl..........
jtein:Err.....even if I have £20k to blow?

Btw, nice avatar....who's that?

Yup. diminishing returns from there on in, buddy.

It's Roberta from Spotify. I'm going to have to change it, it's drawing too much attention to me...


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