Frank Harvey
Well-known member
davedotco said:iZotope does a lot more than just that.
But I understand it would be difficult to see that given all the sand in your eyes....... 😉
That seemed to be the main feature of the program that would make the biggest change to the signal.
No sand in my eyes - my opinions are based on listening rather than reading the opinions of others. I don't care if vinyl is technically inferior to CD, and I don't care if it eventually wears out as I'll never play them enough times in my lifetime for that to happen, and if thatsituation does arise, I have a second copy of my very favourite stuff to fall back on.
There have been a lot of people recently hearing what vinyl is capable of (not necessarily in the high end arena) who have pretty much converted back to vinyl as they prefer the sound of it too. These aren't 'pro vinyl' people - these are people who have been using digital sources for quite some time now, and are staggered at how good vinyl sounds in comparison to what they've been used to hearing from digital.