Yes I did.
Like me you will have noticed how non- committal that man was.
Sensibly, very carefully avoiding ascribing his findings to how they might affect actual music which, after all, is what counts.
I'll leave you with the bottom line as far as I'm concerned 👍
Regardless of what any Youtuber comes up with:
If you, or anyone else, can reliably and consistently, BLINDLY tell any cable apart from another.....good for you.
Anything less and I (respectfully) suggest that you're fooling yourself.
(My point about hypnotism was that the power of suggestion can completely take over the brains of some people..
Add that to the very persuasive and plausible 'science' of the cable vendors.....and I really don't blame anyone for perceiving a difference from their expensive cable(s).
If we go into the psychosis and I feel I need to provide some context, I always liked to tweak things, 'Make it Better'. Also, I needed an anchor to pin down my excessive creative urges.......sorry I'm on the Art teacher always told me, I will make a fine graphic artist but I never lived up to my calling, I'm now into financing, procuring energy (utilities) for the local council. Being creative with numbers isn't so bad!
Anyway I hope you don't mind me sharing, one common trait with people, they can talk endlessly about themselves, people do this possibly for self validation, they're bored, lonely? You can't have one shoe size (prognosis) for everyone, we're all different. Please, move to the next thread if this becomes too indulgent
In the 80's I had grown a real passion for Hi-Fi. In the 90's my love extended to PC's, I began to learn quickly how to put together my rig. Customisation wasn't the thing then. Remember the floppy disks and those beige vanilla deskstops? I built rigs for family and friends, something that grew was the tinkering; things like quality PSU, six layer motherboards, (and a bit like the USB cable debate we're having now), the PC tribalism Intel v AMD (I sit with the Red Boys!) or Nvidia v AMD (I'm with the Green team on this one).
Something I borrowed from modding (PC modders), is good cabling, quality components, linear ATX power supply with no switching power circuits, discrete GPUs. A lot of things I tried to attain from PCs have crossed over to HI-Fi . I was using discrete PCI sound cards to get the very best sound quality from my PC. I later moved onto external DACs and this was the 360 degrees, that brought me back into Hi-Fi.
See below my customised rig, courtesy of Lian Li fish tank case, AIB cpu water cooling, glorious RGB's and the FAERIES!!!!.......I can explain the f......No I can't where's the shrink!
Also note, on the PC I built into the case, the extended legs, these are solid brass wardrobe door knobs I got from Homebase. I did this to improve the airflow in my case, the temp on the CPU when idle, averages 37c in winter and 46c in the summer. The correlation I'm trying to make between PC modding and Hi-Fi are the same, for some people not all, we tweak our Hi-Fi to get the best sound for the least amount of money.
Granted I did pay £120 for the Chord Shawline cable but that was my personal choice and I'm glad I did.