Systemdek IIX900 - fix or replace?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Have unpacked my Systemdek IIx900 after a couple of years in storage. Unfortunately, i only seem to get sound out of one speaker when I play it (I don't have this problem with other sources). I will probably take this in to be checked by my local dealer and pay the £35 estimate fee, but i am curious to know (a) is this still considered a good deck (bought it over 13 years ago), and (b) how much would i have to pay to obtain an equivalent sound now? (I should mention that we upgraded to an acryllic platter, external power supply and better cartridge from that supplied with the unit originally).


Fix! Fix! With the upgrades, this is a £1k deck, give or take. What arm/cartridge are on it? Sounds like a loose connection at the cartridge end (easy) or a break in the wiring internally (harder).

Have you swapped the inputs at the amp end to make sure it's not a problem with the amp input?
Great t/t, try to have it repaired and do the checks as John says. This could be a very easy fix, so spend the £35 and see what the engineer says. Bear in mind this deck was good enough for Audio Note to use as the blueprint for their TT1 and you don't that for much less than £800 new.

This is so helpful - thank you. I don't have any other technology investments that have held their value like this deck!

I will check the cartridge and connections, but this may need replacement anyway as it is so old. Have had so much enjoyment from this deck over the years and pleased to know that it has a long future ahead so long as i can sort the output problem.


Hi John

Thanks. I knew what you meant but thanks for clarifying just in case. I am just relieved that I shouldn't need to replace it if that's what i would have to spend to equal it!



Have swapped the amp inputs and initially the sound just switched over the other speaker, but with more determined fiddling it is apparent that the connector has a loose wire, and i can listen to the deck OK if i force it in a bit. The cartridge is a Goldring but don't have more detail than that.

I will take it in for a check, service and new connectors. Thank you both for your help.




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