I've got to say at the start that I am very biased towards PMC speakers I just love them !
I have not heard any other speakers at any price point that will give me what I need, which is the ability to create the illusion of real people playing real music in my room with lifelike dynamics and most of all proper natural deep bass , and for me PMC speakers just do all of that very very well with all types of music.
I am sure some people with say similar things about ATC speakers , but good though they are they are not for me . If you listen to a ATC SCM7 then the PMC DB1i it is very easy to hear why the PMC is more expensive IMHO .
I agree that the recent price rises from PMC do seem a little steep and may make a lot of people think twice about buying them but I guess you have to weigh up in your mind if the superb performance is worth the outlay. In my case it is , but each person must decide for themselves based on what they really want from a loudspeaker .
There would be no point in me saving some money and buying a pair of speakers that disappointed me in some way .
You pay your money and take your choice