Understandably, there seems to be a fair bit of posturing going on within the thread.
It's a difficult one given the fact that the stats show that the magazine is well and truly the best seller. I would be curious to see what percentage are regular buyers or one off advice seekers.
The recent layout changes have improved things, and has lead to some more interesting articles - for example the one on computer audio formats, a great article last month. This month's Iphone apps also good.
The problem that I face, along with other posters on this forum, is once you get to a decent grade/price of TV, they are all quite similar. These days most offer 1080p, multiiple HDMI's, etc and a good picture. The comparative reviews are great when you are in the market for a new TV, but as soon as you walk out of the shop, that's it, unless something comes along that changes things so much that you need to upgrade further. You only need to go into comet and currys to see hundreds of TV's lined up ready to be purchased, with the top end ones all looking very similar. We all carry a rolled up copy of the mag under our arms when we visit these places and thanks to your magazine go well prepared to make a purchase. Once the purchase has been made though......
The main problem with TV's is there is no real passion for them. I'm really pleased with my latest, but I see no need to upgrade in the foreseeable future. To some extent the same can be said for lower/mid range Bluray players. New ones out at least once a year, and all offering a great picture in the same sized black box, etc, with new extras on each release that are really of not too much use...
Hi Fi on the other hand is more personable. You mix and match components to get the sound that you prefer. The specialist shops and this forum offer great advice. No system is really the same - it's your system. For the enthusiast there is a constantly changing path for upgrading/tweaking your system. Enthusiasts also like to talk about their systems. Hence the popularity of this forum.
My concern is that I find the online site more interesting than the magazine at the moment. There are usually only two or three good articles in the magazine relating specifically to Hifi, but plenty of TV/samey black bluray player reviews/group tests. However, a lot of these are also covered beforehand in the news section of the website. The Q&A's have usually been discussed in the forums and I have never really used the buyers guide in the last third of the magazine.
What I'm tending to notice lately though is that there is definately a bias towards the AV side of the market in the mag. There are still revolutionary new products coming out for av and hifi, but the av side makes all of the news. The new Panasonic Bluray recorder is something that we are all interested in. Two pages was ok, but more editorial would have nice. A new product was also released and reviewed on the Hifi side in this issue. The Cyrus 8 XPD is also out this month. Again revolutionary with the built in DAC. It only gets half a page - 250ish words. People who go as far to read this review and possibly lay out £1500 are enthusiasts. More information is needed. Some comparisions with other systems built up with a seperate DAC would have been nice. I read more on the web & forum about it. More editorial is definately needed
I suppose part of the problem is that everybody on this forum likes to give advice, which is a great thing, but waters down the magazine's content somewhat. The magazine will never really be able to answer my specific questions (whilst keeping the rest of the readership happy) like the forum's knowledgeable members. My only worry is that every month I take less time to read the magazine, because I have already read about the content in here. At this rate in a few months, I could see myself reading the articles of interest at the magazine aisle at Tesco whilst the wife goes on the trolly dash...