Obvious but sad.........
I predicted the end of downloading and the rise and superiority of streaming in a letter to Hi-Fi World over three years ago now.
They could prove that, if you doubt me.
However, and more to the point.......I find the whole business of streaming to be soul-less and of absolutely no interest to me.
I will not partake in this nonsense, when this nonsense offers no emotive connection to the music, absolutely no interaction physically and basically just says, forget all about researching any bands, don't worry about having to save any money to buy a much wanted record, forget about the excitement of waiting for it to arrive, don't bother to unwrap the parcel or bring the disc home from the retailer, don't even think about the fun of actually touching something and getting a machine to play it for you, never ever again try to sit back and enjoy just the music, no you can only now listen to music whilst walking along a pavement, trying not to get run over whilst crossing a road, 'distracted' as you are by 'music' and the need to take pointless and childlike phone calls at the same time, and lets not forget all of the tweets from the twits who say plenty and yet communicate mostly nothing.
And just in case you believe I am old or a luddite or simply a fuddy duddy. Well fellow What Hi-Fi readers, I'm not.
Have a good day folks.