Oh God yes! Quite a few. It's a fantastic way of listening to new music. And I still love buying CDs.bigfish786 said:of all the music you have listened to via spotify, have you bought it on any other format to keep, after hearing it, or have you stopped buying music altogether?
manicm said:Major Fubar, no need to be insulting
slice said:When I first started to read this forum, one contributor always finished the post with the statement "listen to the music, not the hifi". I think this individual had a good point.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_rothttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_Disc_bronzingslice said:And it's physically permanently there, perfect every time I want to listen to it.
James83 said:I wasnt expecting such a response. However it seems some of you have failed to spot a simple 'expression'. ie- The day music dies. Obviously music wouldnt die, and obviously in that case I would have to download etc. Its a simple expression to show that I really would not like this to be the case. Call me a dinosaur or whatever, but different people prefer different things, and the world would be a boring place if we all agreed with each other. I've been told i have an old mans taste in music. Hey, thats life.
Now this spotify may well point me in the direction of other music I may like, but hey, thats life (other sources also point me in the direction of different artists, and I thank them for the same). Perhaps to some all this means I dont like music much. Well, thats up to you, but id say 12 concerts in less than a month and a half tells a different story. Travelling across the Atlantic just for concerts as well. Add in the likes of Sweden and Norway. OK, I was able to turn it into a holiday as well but that wasnt the initial reason. But if that means I dont like music much, well, you are all entitled to your own opinion, and I thank you for that.
Ignoring the misunderstanding regarding my term- the day music dies, it does seem quite obvious a few people cannot accept other peoples' points of view. Insulting perhaps not (i'm thick skinned enough to just laugh it all off) but just because I do not wish to use spotify, and all I would rather do is buy a CD. Wow.
Oh, and regarding all the comments about ripping CDs onto other devices etc. Yes, I do that as well. A lot of my music is on an SD card in the car. But if I'm in the house, my prefered method is to plonk a CD on. My apologies for those that may not like this, but I thank you all for the kind words. Just let me know what kind of dinosaur I apparently am.
The Dinosaur without a nose
davedotco said:slice said:When I first started to read this forum, one contributor always finished the post with the statement "listen to the music, not the hifi". I think this individual had a good point.
I have said, quite often, that I have no problem separating my enjoyment of 'playing' music from my enjoyment of 'playing' hi-fi.
Unlike some, I have no need in deciding and declaring which is more important, to me they are separate hobbies, linked, but separate. I enjoy taking a system apart and resetting it all to make it sound better, its fun. So is listening to music, live or recorded, different experiences enjoyed in different ways.
For me, streaming (Spotify currently) is a music solution, not a hi-fi solution, simple really.
James83 said:I wasnt expecting such a response. However it seems some of you have failed to spot a simple 'expression'. ie- The day music dies. Obviously music wouldnt die, and obviously in that case I would have to download etc. Its a simple expression to show that I really would not like this to be the case. Call me a dinosaur or whatever, but different people prefer different things, and the world would be a boring place if we all agreed with each other. I've been told i have an old mans taste in music. Hey, thats life.
Now this spotify may well point me in the direction of other music I may like, but hey, thats life (other sources also point me in the direction of different artists, and I thank them for the same). Perhaps to some all this means I dont like music much. Well, thats up to you, but id say 12 concerts in less than a month and a half tells a different story. Travelling across the Atlantic just for concerts as well. Add in the likes of Sweden and Norway. OK, I was able to turn it into a holiday as well but that wasnt the initial reason. But if that means I dont like music much, well, you are all entitled to your own opinion, and I thank you for that.
Ignoring the misunderstanding regarding my term- the day music dies, it does seem quite obvious a few people cannot accept other peoples' points of view. Insulting perhaps not (i'm thick skinned enough to just laugh it all off) but just because I do not wish to use spotify, and all I would rather do is buy a CD. Wow.
Oh, and regarding all the comments about ripping CDs onto other devices etc. Yes, I do that as well. A lot of my music is on an SD card in the car. But if I'm in the house, my prefered method is to plonk a CD on. My apologies for those that may not like this, but I thank you all for the kind words. Just let me know what kind of dinosaur I apparently am.
The Dinosaur without a nose
smbmetal said:
I ripped all my CD's a few years ago and haven't bought a new one since. I've discovered far more artists since the likes of Spotify came along than I would have the traditional way. I just wish all the artists subscribed to it, as there are still some missing for me. Can't wait for CD quality streaming to be the norm.
I think the future of streaming could be hi-res music. Everything seems to be HD this and hi-res that.
fr0g said:smbmetal said:
I ripped all my CD's a few years ago and haven't bought a new one since. I've discovered far more artists since the likes of Spotify came along than I would have the traditional way. I just wish all the artists subscribed to it, as there are still some missing for me. Can't wait for CD quality streaming to be the norm.
I think the future of streaming could be hi-res music. Everything seems to be HD this and hi-res that.
To 99.999% of the human population, 320 Kbps streaming is indistinguishable from CD quality.
HD is utterly pointless as it adds nothing you can hear. They sometimes release better masters in HD formats and I feel this is nothing more than a sneaky trick to make ignorant audiophiles believe the format itself is of higher audible playback quality...it isn't.
James83 said:To Mr or Mrs Frog (my apologies, I do not want to assume either way).
No toys to be found yet. I purely responded quite pleasantly to some responses. Be a bit rude not to respond dont you think? But hey, I am quite happy to add that to my list of qualities. Toy thrower extraordinaire!
I have never once claimed spotify has no benefits. I have never once claimed it doesnt open people up to new music. I do believe I have made it quite obvious I can accept others that have embraced spotify. Well, unless you took my tongue in cheek comment at the end of my first post as being threatening!!
All I have said is that I have not embraced spotify, and have no intention of doing so. I also much prefer to just purchase CDs and will continue doing so. I also claimed that I have had my eyes opened up to other artists in other ways. None of what I said detracted from spotify or the benefits others may get from it.
Now, I may have misunderstood your posts, but it seems quite clear you are unable to accept other peoples opinions on this subject, which I find very much unfortunate. But not to worry. I will continue to read your responses to my posts on here, and have a good chuckle to myself.
Ta again for such thoughtful comments,
The pram owning, toy throwing, luddite of a dinosaur with no nose!
matthewpiano said:I've felt a lot just lately that some of the arguments here end up completely missing the point of hi-fi, and that is for the enjoyment of music. How you consume recorded music shouldn't really matter.
Thompsonuxb said:Not a user of any of the soft providers. YouTube being the only service I use to checkout newtracks.
My issue being one of ownership. If these services went belly up what happens to 'your' music.
I also hate the idea of 'premium' services and subscription - that really rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
Also can you record onto CD from them.
I see the convenience angle but I don't like the idea of my music in cyber space.
If it's the future I'm on borrowed time......
chebby said:I'm still buying CDs (lots) because streaming services will never have extensive coverage of BBC drama, comedy, history etc.
iTunes does but the quality is dismal (only 64k) and contains no episode index points. (ie 6 x 30 minute episodes will appear as one 180 minute file leaving the user to guess where they start and end.)
I am seriously contemplating getting rid of all the music content I have ripped to iTunes over the years and just relying on Spotify Premium for that.
Right now I am just putting together large playlists of 'latin' music or French music etc. ( I've had a gut-full of British and American rock/pop) and i am thoroughly enjoying not understanding a bl###y word of any of it! Just loving the ambience and the mood 🙂
Infiniteloop said:chebby said:I'm still buying CDs (lots) because streaming services will never have extensive coverage of BBC drama, comedy, history etc.
iTunes does but the quality is dismal (only 64k) and contains no episode index points. (ie 6 x 30 minute episodes will appear as one 180 minute file leaving the user to guess where they start and end.)
I am seriously contemplating getting rid of all the music content I have ripped to iTunes over the years and just relying on Spotify Premium for that.
Right now I am just putting together large playlists of 'latin' music or French music etc. ( I've had a gut-full of British and American rock/pop) and i am thoroughly enjoying not understanding a bl###y word of any of it! Just loving the ambience and the mood 🙂
iTunes will be releasing its own streaming service in a couple of months.
James83 said:I myself though can stick to Youtube to check out any artists that may or may not be suggested. If i like something, i will buy the CD. If i dont (which is the case most of the time) then i dont. If im sitting on the fence (ouch) then I simply rely on Youtube if I ever get the urge to listen again.
MajorFubar said:Honestly this is just history repeating itself. Just substitute 'streaming' for 'CDs' and subtract 32 years.