I phone 5?


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Mar 9, 2010
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I have heard I phone 5 due for release Sept.

8 megapixel camera, flash moved and faster processor.

Any one got any other info?


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Big Aura said:
I wonder will it have the "doesn't work if you hold it normally" function removed.

I've been using my new iPhone 4 for 17 days, so far, and I have yet to encounter any reception problems. Quite the opposite in fact. I can make and receive calls in places that were 'marginal' (to say the least) with my old 3GS.

I use the iPhone 4 with either hand and have not - so far - had to think about (or look up) what the original iPhone 4 'problem' was, or what recommendation was made about holding it. I hold it in exactly the same way I held the 3GS and the same way most people hold any similarly shaped phone.

Either the problem was adressed long ago, or the way I naturally hold it doesn't bring about the problem, or it really wasn't that big a problem in the first place. (I suspect the last one.)


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I find that


offers the best Apple related news and insight, so look on there to see what the latest scoop may be.


This is another very good site for such news.

Hope this helps.


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Oct 12, 2009
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chebby said:
Big Aura said:
I wonder will it have the "doesn't work if you hold it normally" function removed.

I've been using my new iPhone 4 for 17 days, so far, and I have yet to encounter any reception problems. Quite the opposite in fact. I can make and receive calls in places that were 'marginal' (to say the least) with my old 3GS.

Chebby, you're obviously not holding it right


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Sep 29, 2008
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Lee H said:
Ah yes, the iCloud. Apple finally realise their dream of charging you for something you already own.

iCloud itself is free. The only thing you would have to pay for, and only if you want it, is the iTunesMatch service which will cost about £15 a year.


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robjcooper said:
Lee H said:
Ah yes, the iCloud. Apple finally realise their dream of charging you for something you already own.

iCloud itself is free. The only thing you would have to pay for, and only if you want it, is the iTunesMatch service which will cost about £15 a year.

Step 1: Right click, copy internet.

Step 2: Synch all of internet with iTunes

Step 3: All the music in the world ligitamately (ish) for £15 a month via music match

Step 4: Lars Ulrich sends you to hell for being a devious pirate

In all seriousness, music match is just an attempt to recoup 'some' money from the music pirates, its almost an admission of defeat on the labels part?
Some interesting stats regarding iCloud & music match service: http://9to5mac.com/2011/06/21/rbc-icloud-to-hit-150-million-users-itunes-match-a-1-5-billion-business/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9To5Mac-MacAllDay+%289+to+5+Mac+-+Apple+Intelligence%29


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Jan 7, 2009
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Anybody wants to play bets as to what the iphone 5 will be in terms of feaures?

Feature want will be

screen size slightly bigger slightly bigger

Storage capacity 128gig 64gig

flac playback yes no

body shape size as now but rounded back square back as iphone 4

icloud do not care yes

camera do not care small improvement

battery life no need to charge daily still needs to be charged daily

solar panel on back yes no


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Jun 10, 2011
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I imagine the Iphone 5 will be fairly average in spec compared to other phones. 3.7 inch screen + dual 1GHz (probably clocked down to 900Mhz like the Ipad2)

When you think that a HTC Sensation XE (due out 7 Oct) comes with 4.3 screen + dual 1.5Ghz, BeatsAudio and around £100 cheaper I think the Iphone 5 is going to look dated as soon as it comes out.

Android makers are already talking about quad-core 2GHz+ in the newyear. Apple need the Iphone5 to be spectacular - but we wait and see.


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The iPhone 4 has been selling by the bucket load even though faster phones exist. I don't think the 5 'needs to be spectacular', just a bit better. I can't really think of anything I need to do on a phone that would need the battery thrashing a quad core 2gig processor would give. I wouldn't upgrade my 4 just for faster, it would need new functionality rather than bigger numbers.

Every time a new IOS pops up, new and exciting APIs are given to the developers enabling better app development. I think this is Apples strength right now, focusing on tangible functionality rather than stats.

Big Aura

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Oct 13, 2008
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as long as it means the iPhone 4 comes down to a sensible price so I can move away from my nokia 6230 (which was called back into service after baby spent 10 minutes chewing on my N97mini!), I don't care if it can convert tears into gold and raise the dead. Just hurry up, Apple!


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Oct 12, 2009
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Paul Hobbs said:
The iPhone 4 has been selling by the bucket load even though faster phones exist. I don't think the 5 'needs to be spectacular', just a bit better.

If we're being totally honest for the main stream consumer, all it has to be is an Apple product.


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